Ok this is the most insane idea ever but the best!
Add Drifter Battleship Bp’s aka blueprints into the game. because with the coming of new updates, My idea is if you add blueprints for drifters and the Lux Kontos (which i love) would make it a bit more fun in
EVE Online. Plus Who wouldnt wanna drive the second sexiest ship in the game… it just is so awsome Because you get to be more like a drifter!
My second idea, and this is perhaps genius… make a singleplayer mode so when people cant connect to multiplayer they can go on there own “test server” and do whatever the heck they want…
And to make it better, Let People Create Private eve servers for them and there friends, and the progess wouldnt reset but they cant get progess from tranq on there test servers.
Now, I know some of us say this some times"OMG I WISH I HAD A CAPITAL IN HIGH SEC" bypass that law, itd be great… but only for dreads and nothing else.
My 3rd Idea, Tech 2 Capitals. YOU HEARD ME. TECH. 2. CAPITALS. they are stronger then any of there orignal forums (depending on how you use it) and itd be AWSOME TO SEE a cool thing
MY FOURTH IDEA: Give Alphas skills so they can drive up to battleships or a dread or somthin
And one of my final Ideas: Make EVE online availible for mac 10.6.0X
Make new capitals… let alphas drive up to sub caps IT. IS. GENUIS.
THIS is Cameron Lytle From VapeNation, VAPE ON