Make null sec OMEGA only

Fly cheap frigates and level up your core skills and go to NPC null areas to explore.
Lots of Alpha players are living in Null just fine; I have one Alt there atm.

Then why do you even care where alphas are allowed to go?

A lot of nullsec Alliances run alpha fleets and welcome alphas in their fleets. They are often alts of Omega mains, but some just welcome new player alphas and give them a taste of the community that EVE can provide.

Much better than mining in a Venture in highsec, or running missions alone.

Or they should consider given alphas an alpha titan, so alphas can fly titans right away, maybe even increase the alpha titan training time to 1 minutes, so it takes very much long to train into them.
That way an alpha can go to nullsec and rapid ancillary doomdays everyone and “explore” a little safer.


yer saying because yer always getting killed there ccp needs to prevent you and all the others from going there.


You’re an alpha who doesn’t want alphas in null because you are scared?!?!

Dude, pull up your pantyhose and get unscared


I don’t see your point.

Yes, Alphas have hard time competing with Omegas. This is how it should be considering that Alphas are free and Omega are paid accounts.

But making Alphas physically unable to even try to compete with Omegas? Why? What do you want to achieve this way?


Am I the only one that knows how to fly alpha fits in null ratting and survive?
I know I’m not the only one come on now…


he’s believing everyone’s literally suffering like he does. everyone’s a victim, like he thinks he is.

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I’m pretty sure half the VNIs I shoot in null sec are alpha ratters.

This is a complete fabrication

First time I see an alpha clone thing works. It is awesome, that someone posts here, that he is afraid to stay alpha in some parts of Eve. That means alpha pilots indeed motivated to become omega, instead of leaving the game all together as it was before.
To limit alpha / omega whatever clone state players to stay in some part of the univerce is wrong, of cause. Cause Eve is beautifull in its diversity and tourism is a thing still.

@Dimitri_Morvaine I don’t know how much troll was in your post but I’ll assume none and give you some sound advice.

Go join a corp called ‘Eve University’. You will learn a lot and even as an alpha be able to participate in Highsec, Lowsec, Nullsec and even the odd J-Space event. They are a great bunch and don’t exclude you from things for being an alpha. Hell they will go out of their way to make fun and useful fits for you to participate despite your alpha status. I sincerely hope you join them or any of the other decent groups of players out there.

Good Luck and fly smart
Noragen Neirfallas
Member and Judge of the Court of Crime and Punishment

Even then why add additional barrier? Wouldn’t it reasonable to ask for some benefits instead?

he wants to prevent himself and all the others from going through the same feelings he does. benefits aren’t gonna help with that because they’re not preventing these feelings. for the same reason has it never helped buffing lowsec income to get care bears to operate there, coz no matter the income it’s not gonna prevent the feelings of loss. so he kind’a means well but he’s ■■■■■■ up coz he’s basically running away from himself, locking himself up in a cage of goodfeels, like a scared animal cowering in a dark cave afraid of the evil sunlight.

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you’re right there is nothing that alphas can do in null sec,
except data/relic sites and they can successfully rat in null



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Why would you want to deprive other alpha players of nullsec just because you have a personal problem and given up on it?


You should feel bad for being a bad.
Alphas can do many things in nullsec

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I’d argue the best place for a newbro alpha is nestled in a large null alliance

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that is absolutely the case. I would suggest drone regions, as the Drone-VNI is flyable as an alpha and if you bring up your skills and knowledge, you can do 12-15 mil a tick.Other regions VNI’s might do the same, I just have no experience with them :slight_smile: