Make nullsec great again!

I miss the days of the battleship meta Cirka 2011-13.

I think ADC’s/HAC DPS and application mixed with MJD fields are responsible for BS decline. Personally I think BS’s need a buff in tank to compensate for being functionally immobile and having poor application. That said FAX and Logi need a rework aswell otherwise we’d just have miniaturized caps on the subcap level.

never liked the idea of ADCs (cheap ass solution for AFs, which really didn’t need to be added to HACs) and MJDs need alot of work - probably some sort of delay timer before being able to be booshed again (fine for a quick escape or a quick advance - it’s cancerous otherwise)

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Oh, also - ban capitals from low sec :slight_smile:

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MJD reactivation delay sounds good.

I’d say ban supers from lowsec, or figure out some way to restrict capital offensive action artificially, like a permanent target jam that only gets lifted on agression onto the player who shot you. (just spitballing here, something similar to a criminal flag in highsec with the absence of concord in mind).

Problem isnt people moving capitals but hotdropping in lowsec.




True, but part of the solution is to make them move the long (and more dangerous - very slightly) way around :innocent:

What happens to the person who wants to move PI from null/lowsec to highsec adjacent systems? Asking for a friend.

Freighters :slight_smile: (didn’t include them)

Meet in the middle? Rorquals too?

Definitely not! :grinning: - use an Orca :stuck_out_tongue:

Epithal it is

As it is in Null, so let it be in Low (Erm, except for everything that is different…)

Oh, also (part 2453456) - fix bloody citadels! less of them and easier to kill… especially the smaller ones that get spammed everywhere because - cheap


This segment seems to contradict itself.

And yes my point is valid, and CCP agrees with me, whether you arbitrarily make stuff up about DPS/EHP scaling differently.

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Citadels are a huge problem for NullSec. There’s no limitation on deployment and the timers are a pain. Imagine a system with dozens of structures that all come out at different times. Cancer.

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Right now battleships are just less useful dreads. Mauraders are a cool concept but they’re mostly used for PvE as far as I can tell.

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Whatever. I’d wager EHP/Cost is more reliable in predicting player behavior when it comes to PVP participation with capitals, which is whats going to decide what works or wont in null.

That said you’re right on citadels.

There’s also the timezone tank. It’s so bad that citadel spam is the only thing keeping the war going between TAPI/Fraternity. Some form of constraint on citadel spam is needed nonetheless. Fuel requirements for RF timers, some type of scaling penalty on a system by system or even regional basis.

Now, problem with the timezone tank is that the defender can dictate timers without logging on to time stront like they did with control towers back in the day. It removes defensive counterplay from the equation, giving the defender an unfair advantage. Couple all that with cyno jammers, etnosis mechanics, jump Bridges and damage caps on all of it and it’s almost impossible to attack a constellation.

Please go!

Then make battleships with the right skills able to damage or kill a super capital.

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