Make plexes in fw only capturable by Omega

100% of my income is FW same as with you , and I love FW it gives amazing PVP encounters and makes pvp very easy to get ( more fair PVP because Tama is PVP too ,but are you enjoying it? Im personaly dont enjoy getting killed by gate camp but when its solo kill im atleast excited when i lose , and very happy when i win ), if CCP will remove my ability to plex as alpha I wont be able to play EVE at all because I need income to pvp and every other way to make money is hard for me because of my low SP and skills


Try low tier abyssals.
Good ISK for the effort :slight_smile:

Restricting plex capturing to omegas is way too extreme. There’s plenty of actual living alpha pilots out there who either make their decision to commit to omega for the first time or being on break but not willing to commit fully - for irl reasons, for example. Measures like this would just turn alpha experience worthless - they’re already handicapped for pvp, this would just leave them nothing to do. Plus there’s also a possibility of omega bots, even though a slim one. But what prevents an omega account from running plexes with bots when their main is not active?

People were also proposing buffing rats in plexes. I don’t think it’s needed either. They’re not a threat, yes, that’s why zkill doesn’t take them into account when flagging killmails as solo ones. Although they’re doing their job by making oplexing ships meet a certain dps threshold thus banning empty or completely trash-fitted hulls from oplexing. So I think it’s fairly balanced there - it makes plexes a pvp scene rather than a pve site.
I like the idea of being able to affect rat spawning rate though. Either by I-Hub upgrade levels or, for example, successfully completed missions. The later one is kind of controversial, obviously, so it needs to be balanced.

FW rats still need to scram.

For what reason? To counter botting? Trust me, botters will adapt to that. The only way counter them is, as the comrade above said, by improving the bot-banning system.
If the rats have scrams, it’s gonna shift the pvp meta. Dual-webs gonna be everywhere. I don’t think it’s a good thing. The whole point of fw plexes is a reason to pvp. That’s why rats are weak to the point of being irrelevant. Changing this is a step in a wrong direction.

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