PS : Don’t mind me while I play against the environment (=PVE) (npc pirates and npc mission givers, npc generated asteroids (ok, then new player created belts could be considered PvP but even then it’s farfetched). I do understand the butterfly effect but i’m not going to cater to the trolling here. I have other places to shitpost. Also, do you guys remember the song by the “Dire Straits”, “money for nothing” it has quite a funny phrase in there : “99 channels, but nothing on”. You gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers…
I genuinely wasn’t trolling. I do not troll genuine posts intentionally, though i can admittedly be argumentative. If i take the time to explain something it’s because I think it’s relevant. I appreciate the fact you are making content for EvE dispite the fact i think you may be a little inexperienced to be advising others on this subject.
My advice would be to organize some sort of effort to fight back. Everybody helps in some way, be it direct combat or ISK for combat ships if they are only indy guys. Anyone who is not willing to contribute a decent effort to the war should be encouraged to drop to the NPC corp. Create a new private player made channel with access control and add the NPC guys as well as your own corp to the access list. You’re all still connected, you can do all the same things essentially. Being in your corp should mean something, or you may as well all be sharing a group chat and be in the NPC corp.
Having your own banner in EvE really is intended as a privilege you step up to defend. If people are heavily outgunned, network and get help or just have a go anyway. Win their respect by keeping in the spirit of the game maybe. If people simply won’t attempt to help the corp using their skills (fighting, money etc) they simply do not deserve to sleep under your roof.
If you would like to discuss anything i’ve posted in detail, or you want any help with your guide shoot me a message in game. Know a little bit about deccing and getting decced…
I think people can greatly appreciate the last two comments. You can’t force anyone to play a game the way you want them to, or pretend to disqualify enjoyment for someone else. You use the sand in the sandbox how you want within the laws or limitations of that sandbox. If legitimate actions upset, you either accept that they happen, take steps to prevent what is unfavorable to you, or continue to fall victim to dominant will of others.
I have to agree that the OP leans towards the last, when you are faced with as many choices and free will as there is in Eve.
They’re not trolling. it’s about how deep you’re willing to think about it.
You doing PvE activities is what’s on the surface. It resulting in PvP consequences is what’s underneath.
A fundamental logical flaw is assuming that PvP is restricted to shooting people. When you wipe a belt, you did it as PvE activity, but the end result is PvP, because someone else can’t mine there anymore until it respawned. The New Player FAQ states that it’s a PvP game at the core, not because of people shooting, but because of how the game world works.
You doing PvE things changes nothing about the fact that it’s PvP in the bigger picture. And that’s what they are talking about.
True. We all (including me) are bad at wording our posts sometimes.
Anyways, i’m going to prep my october 18th event. I will be going to do PVE while PVP players can try and catch me. Mostly because i’m checking out the hauling stuff.
Step 1: Do some research. Why have they wardecced you? Talk to them, check killboards and histories.
2. Ask your corpies how they want to respond.
3. Decide how to respond. Pay a ransom. Hire mercs. If it’s just a couple of guys tell your pilots to mine in groups. Find out if they have enemies. If so invite them. Some fights may be either impossible or better not to take, then you move or log.
4. Stick with it. EVE is rather harsh on the learning but your guys will get better and you might make some allies.