Making Combat Fun

Making Combat Fun
TLDR: Larger ships get buffed to be able to more readily engage smaller ships.
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Stasis Webifiers
All stasis webifiers (and grapplers) are now modified by the following:
• Frigates and destroyers: vs. capitals and supercapitals - inoperative; vs. battlecruisers and battleships - 75% reduction; vs. destroyers and cruisers - 50% reduction
• Cruisers and battlecruisers: vs. supercapitals - inoperative, vs. capitals - 75% reduction, vs. battleships - 62.5% reduction
• Battleships: vs. supercapitals - 75% reduction, vs. capitals - 50% reduction

Sensor Strength
• All cruiser Scan Resolution is increased by 50%
• All battlecruiser Scan Resolution is increased by 37.5%
• All battleship Scan Resolution is increased by 25%
• All capital Scan Resolution is increased by 12.5%

Warp Disruption Mechanics
In addition to the following role bonuses, warp disruptor and warp scrambler points no longer stack (only the highest applies). Bubbles and interdiction sphere launchers aren’t affected.
• All battlecruisers and battleships receive a +1 bonus to Warp Core strength
• All capital ships (including freighters) receive a +2 bonus to Warp Core strength; no changes to supercapitals

Guns, Guns, Guns (and Missiles)
• All medium turrets receive a +50% bonus to tracking speed
• All large turrets receive a +37.5% bonus to tracking speed
• All XL turrets receive a +25% bonus to tracking speed
• All medium missiles receive a +37.5% bonus to Explosion Velocity and a -18.75% bonus to Explosion Radius
• All large missiles receive a +25% bonus to Explosion Velocity and a -12.5% bonus to Explosion Radius
• All XL missiles receive a +12.5% bonus to Explosion Velocity and a -6.25% bonus to Explosion Radius


Someone really hates frigates.
+3 warp core strength on freighters and capitals and no stacking scrams or points?
So you need a Heavy Scram (Battleship only) or a HIC to hold one down?
How about: NO?!?


Couldn’t care less about frigates - but there’s still plenty of activities for them to do.

But yes, no more locking down larger expensive ships with cheap disposable ships. Bring interdictors or bubbles if you want to pin down anything larger than a battlecruiser (you can still use a frigate to scan them down).

And yes, this means you can’t scram freighters or battleships anymore in high-sec with cheap throw-away catalysts (unless you’re willing to also commit a battleship).

Frigates can still continue to harass each other to their heart’s content. Hard on Alphas? Don’t care.

so … a warp disruptor cannot tackle anything anymore other than a frigate and cruiser? Everything else can just moonwalk out? How are you supposed to get these “juicier” killmails if you cannot hold the targets in place?

I don’t know but you seem to be on a mission to make this game worse with every suggestion. Have you been infected by the Dryson?

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Basically, yes (although destroyers, tactical destroyers and strategic cruisers are also included in this list). Scrams still work to tackle battlecruisers and heavy scrams still tackle battleships. Freighters and capital ships need interdictors or bubbles.

I don’t see how this makes the game worse - unless mass fleets of Redeemers are your thing. It just means you need to bring larger ships to tackle larger ships…

Just so we can keep this thread on topic, let’s leave the player comparisons out.

I don’t doubt that a second.

Sorry, but no. The actual balance between small and large ships has evolved over a long time and is actually pretty good right now. Larger ships should suck against smaller ships if they aren’t either escorted or properly fitted against such threats. You have options enough. If you dare to go out solo in a Battleship, make sure to have stuff with you that enables you to shake off a tackler if nessessary. Or don’t go solo, thats why different roles in a fleet exist and cooperation is rewarded.

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Sure, if you want EVE to remain “frigates online”. There’s a reason most players don’t progress past cruisers right now (cost, training time, etc.) Eventually no one will undock in anything larger than a cruiser if it can be avoided.

What’s the point of training into a carrier that’s used less than an hour every month?

Nobody prevents you from using it every day. Just board one and click “undock”. We can discuss if Carriers are in a good spot currently in the ship meta (I don’t think so), but thats a whole different topic.

Tbh, I use most other ship classes a lot more than Frigates, on a daily basis. They all have their roles and uses, weaknesses and benefits. You pick the right tool for the job and many many jobs simply aren’t doable (well) in frigates or cruisers. Can it be that you are simply afraid too much for pixel losses? Do yourself a favor, join a PvP oriented group and learn how to combat from scratch, you’d be surprised how many options you have (and will use), from the smallest Ceptors to the largest Capitals, always depending on your mood, the plan and the target.

Just from my personal experience, my own kills (lets only count ships I have more than 50 kills with, meaning I have used them on multiple occasions):

Looks pretty much balanced and fun to me, given that I am a smallscale pilot not having much use for Battleships and Capitals (despite having them trained to V, even while basically never using them. But I could, should the need arise).

Yeah, carriers are not in a good place (probably not the best example). Me? Not really. My availability varies considerably, so I’m not sure what (if any) group would be a good fit.

I’d be curious how many of those kills were solo (you definitely prefer a certain Empire in your ship choices).

Then why try to change a system you barely participate in?

Any that accepts people willing to learn, if you are willing to learn. Tbh “availability” is completely overrated. As long as you are with the group like 1 time per week (and thats not asked very much for…), most will accept you and take you with them when they go roam around.

Do you think EVE is in a good place right now? (I know that’s a bit off topic) I’m not sure I do (activity is in decline - even with multiboxers offsetting it to some extent).

My character is an Amarr Roleplay char, I can fly all Amarr ships with Mastery V but cannot even board any non-Amarr ships. (Note: SoCT ships are Amarr ships, they leave an Amarr Wreck when destroyed).

That limits my choices of course, but also makes it challenging and fun trying to fit into various doctrines. It works quite well, often to the suprise of those not believing it.

When it comes to solo, Frigs will probably have a higher percentage of the kills here. Due to the fact that in an Assaulfrig for example you can quickly catch another Frig and kill it long before anyone else is there to get on the Mail. Or if you go out solo and want to cover a large area with your roam, you of course pick a fast and agile ship to actually get something done.

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Lets say I am of the opinion that EVE wastes a lot of potential, forcing it to stay a more or less stagnating niche-product. It’s okayish if you can accept that is has some major flaws that can cause huge frustration. But if you know how to work around these, it’s actually quite okay. That doesn’t mean it can’t be improved, it can. But it’s very hard because the mechanics are all interwoven and you can’t make changes without considering what they would do to the rest of the game.


You’ve effectively removed them from their primary fleet role.
A frigates function is to catch targets and hold them long enough to enable heavier fleet elements to fulfil their primary role of delivering ordnance on target.
Effectively flying a paper thin frigate at ~5km/s, finding and catching targets requires a fair bit of manual pilot skill. Skill that takes time and effort to learn.
I’m not talking trained skills here. I’m talking about actual player skill.
Fast tackle is probably the most demanding role to fly in any small to medium size fleet.


Good Saturday morning to you, @Arthur_Aihaken :blush:
Thank you for this interesting thread and the TLDRs. That is very considerate of you. Although I did read the whole O.P because I respect you and was told you are a good guy on this forum.
Your O.P also helps new players identify the different PvP modules, what they do and how they can be used so that’s extra value.

If what you propose really does incentivize players to undock and fight with bigger ships then yes I am all for it. I mean, I like little ships because they are fast, agile and generally cute but I have had my eyes on some of the bigger ships like the Talos, Megathron, Brutix and Thanatos but I keep thinking, as you say: Why even undock in one of those huge beasts if a mere couple of Fregates or Destroyers can blow them up in no time? Not only it doesn’t make any sense but I would feel cheated if I bought a 400-million isk ship and got destroyed by a couple 20-million isk ships.
So I like your proposal and support it, for whatever my support is worth. I think it really would incentivize players to buy and undock the bigger battlecruisers and battleships.

With friendly regards,

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I can only second this. I play in PvP areas of the game for many many years and I am always impressed by the huge difference between a Pro and a Casual both trying to hold a target with an Interceptor for example.
What some people can do to stay alive while still holding the target is mindblowing. That takes extraordinary personal skill and situational awareness. I too can fly all (Amarr) Ceptors or Dictors with max (ingame) skills but I would probably ony last half as long or lose quite some targets if I want to stay alive.
That being said: Fast Tackle is a role one can really specialize in and become very very good, bascially worth in pure gold for a fleet and valued highly by many FCs.

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It’s the fleet role I fill most often on my primary Combat Alt.
I consider myself pretty decent at it. Not one of the best by any measure.
Most FCs I’ve flown with have been eager for me to come along on their fleets after I prove myself in the role :wink:

This is either bait or recent loss rage…

Isn’t this in direct contradiction with


Players won’t get kills if the target can just warp off.

And with non-stacking warp disruptors and warp scramblers the highest warp scramble strength on a non-HIC ship is 3 with expensive faction scramblers.

With your suggestion battlecruisers and up can reach 3 warp core strength with a single warp core stabilizer, making them immune to tackle.

As a result, players cannot kill battlecruisers and bigger unless they’ve got bubbles (not allowed in HS) or a heavy interdictor.

Unkillable battlecruisers and battleships.

I think this is suggestion is unreasonable. Back to the drawing board.