Reworking Scrambler Mechanics

Should a Rookie ship be able to scramble or web a Battleship to death? Definitely not. The reason being is that smaller ships have less capacitor to properly infiltrate the security systems of larger ships to effectively scramble and web them.

I suggest that scramblers be reworked to provide proper scramble and disruption effects proportional to the size of the ship that they are scrambling and the size of a ship that is being used to scramble.

A Rookie ship would have nearly a zero chance of scrambling a Battle Ship but more of a chance scrambling smaller ships such as destroyers and frigates and would most definitely be able too scramble another Rookie ship on the first try.

PvP would be more intense and more challenging.

No it won’t It’ll just weaken smaller ship’s and if you dont land scram on the first attempt 100% chance the guy warps away (if he warps away then pvp is less intense and less challenging :stuck_out_tongue: ), if you don’t like being scrambled use afterburners instead of mwd, if you don’t like being pointed then kite.

Or just neut them out and wam no more point.

I think ship classes should have different warp strengths

  • small ships (fr and dest) should have a base warp str of 1(you need one point),
  • cruisers a str of 3(faction scram is enough),
  • BC a warp str of 5(2scrams one point to hold it),
  • and BS should have 9 base warp core str (3 faction scrams).

add a percentage for faction/T2/T3

  • faction have +20% (VNI has 3+0.6=4, brutix NI has 5+1=6)
  • T2 have +30% (T2 frig has 2, T2 BS have 9+2.7=12)
  • T3 have +40% (so T3C have a base 3+1.2=5 warp strength)

A frigate should not be able to scramble a battleship, ever. Unless the scrambling frigate has bonuses to scramble the larger ship.

A scramble is basically a tether or a rope between two ships. There is no way that a frigate would be able to tether a battle ship with a single rope. The tether would snap almost instantly or the frigate would be pulled apart by the mass of the battle ship firing its AB.

Neuts should be treated in the same manner as the scrambler. You can only neut a ship so much based on its size relative to your own.

A battleship should simply laugh if a frigate ever tried to neut it.

What Geten posted.

What about Faction Ships and TII ships?

Guys think about the balance of combat not just what seems nice xD


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Anderson Geten


I think ship classes should have different warp strengths

  • small ships (fr and dest) should have a base warp str of 1(you need one point),
  • cruisers a str of 3(faction scram is enough),
  • BC a warp str of 5(2scrams one point to hold it),
  • and BS should have 9 base warp core str (3 faction scrams).

add a percentage for faction/T2/T3

  • faction have +20% (VNI has 3+0.6=4, brutix NI has 5+1=6)
  • T2 have +30% (T2 frig has 2, T2 BS have 9+2.7=12)
  • T3 have +40% (so T3C have a base 3+1.2=5 warp strength)

Any edits for Triglavian ships Geten?

they are pirate/faction ships. so +20%

That’s just an idea.

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That’s actually how it is.
a BS can dry out a fr in… 3 cycles ? while not caring about how the little fr is touching him.

Just, instead of putting arbitrary thresholds, CCP put a continous scale, which is much better for the balance.

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Similar to ramping up like the damage of the Triglavian does. The larger amount of smaller ships scrambling a battle ship ship would effectively decrease its ability to defend against the scramble.

WTF are you talking about ?

first it was to help bigger ships not get tackled by a small ship which costs nothing and should not be able to prevent the sheer size of a BS from warping off.
I give an example of how to do so.

And now you tell about triglavians rampup (which increases the damage of the weapon over time) and the amount of effect that would reduce its ability to… the ■■■■ ?

It’s just a matter of strength. Note that BS could not hold anything bigger than a cruiser either with a faction scram, just as frigates can’t.

Currently the balance of combat is firmly in the frigates favour. Adding a bit back onto the battleship is not a bad thing. Inate warp strength is one of those things that could help.


I posted that a single frigate would not be able to scramble a battle ship. Like the Triglavian weapons that do more damage over time, adding more frigates to scramble the battle ship over time would effectively scramble the battle ship even though each frigate barely has enough capacitor and computing power to do so alone, but in a fleet would equal to a BC scrambling the battle ship.

A battleship has no way to defend itself against the frigate once it is tackled unless it is fit with drones as well as the frigate simply using its MWD to burn out of the tracking of the guns of the battleships along with the webber range if fit.

dude, trigs rampup is over time.

Where in your post is there anything about “increase over time” ? If it’s not an “increase over time” then it’s not a rampup like trigs.
The specificity of trigs is that their damage ramps up over time, while other ships damage is constant (before factoring in rng)

if you are not talking about a value that is not increasing over time , then it’s not “like the trigs”.

yes, that’s how the mechanism of warp strength work. If you have a warp strength of 1, one disruptor is enough ; if you have warp strength of 10, then you need 10 disruptors.

no, a BC would still need 9 points (or 3 faction scrams) to hold a T1 BS. Maybe make the combat BC, electronic attack ships, and assault fr/cr gain 1 point on disruptors and 2 points on scrams ?

Let’s suppose this scrambling change is implemented - what about webbing? Why would a tiny little frigate web a huge battleship? Game would have to change a lot to make all this reasonable.
Suggestion: all modules are the same, you can set power level of the module. Low power level (say 1 grid, 30 CPU web) = weak effect, say 30% webbing at 5km. Increase it to 100 grid, 45 CPU and more cap = stronger webbing, longer range, perhaps 45%, 8km. High power level of 1k grid and 60 CPU would be webbing for 55%, 10km. Capitals would push it one notch higher and web for same 55% but at 25km. (power level is chosen during fitting and you could still have low power level on the BS if you wanted). Ceptors and AFs would get nice bonuses to lowering grid/CPU needed for webs so they would operate stuff at cruiser level easily and at BS level with some fitting adaptations.

Regarding scrambling, that suggestion is fine, I would just pair scrams/points with the suggestion regarding power of modules - a BS scram would keep a BS in place.
Though here I would be more in favor to have “when ship received 5% total HP damage in a second, it cannot warp”. Justify by something like “ship diverted all its warp/jump power to handle sticky situation and cannot warp” or whatever. I feel this is neat as it doesn’t give any arbitrary points to larger ships yet makes them harder to tackle. Also, it would be a single number to tweak - put it at 1%, 3%, 5%, 10%… for all ships.
Say a frig with 2k HP would require a single shot doing 100 HP to be unable to warp for a second, while receiving say 1k damage in a single shot would keep it there for 10s. Damage is considered pre-resists and percentages are relative to unfitted ship HP. First part balances shield with armor tank, second takes care of plates).
WCS would raise the damage cap required, while scrams would lower it - perhaps 5*(WCS + 1) / (points + 1) damage per second to prevent warping. A frig with 1 WCS being hit by the same 1k damage would be there for 5s. (also, make bubbles have 1-2 points. While a frigate keeping a battleship in place might be strange, a flimsy bubble keeping a titan in place is even stranger)

I think you are highly underestimating BS’s.

Also BS’s are already immune to long point because of MJD, so you need 2STR to catch a BS, not only that but if your going into scram range of a BS your going to get ■■■■■■ because of the heavy webbing and neut’s, if the BS is fit well.

Also since when can a frigate do enough dps to break a pvp fit BS 150-300 dps on a frig and about 400-2000 active tank on pvp battle ships? If your talking about pve fits then yea that’s different like:, because pve fits gimp the ship hard.

9 warp core strength will kill solo pvp pretty much, not everyone likes to fleet up.