Making isk as omega


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This is all good advice thank you

Personally I kill other people for their hard work to make isk. Or ransom for more than the drop but less than the replacement cost. Ransoming is very good isk

As you fly a lot in lowsec I would suggest to look for clone soldier tags and cytoserocin gas clouds. (Just stock a few fitted ventures where you roam most to get that gas ASAP when you find it.) Works best if you are online before the masses log in what should be the case when I look at your killbord.

No, go away.

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When i started i was asking lvl 4 mission runners to contract me their loot at 90% jita price. I had 6 or 7 providers, it was decent money.

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Do you honor the ransoms or shoot them anyway? Not judging at all, just curious what would work out better on the long run.

Also that ā€œbuy loot at 90% jitaā€ hint is a very good one.

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Honoring ransoms has not really worked for a long time. People are just too sceptical about this, and wonā€™t trust you to honor your ransoms, except for the really gullible or desperate ones, but those would pay you just the same if you were known to not honor ransoms.

I like to think that maybe as a corporation of pirates you could potentially with a lot of patience and effort build a good reputation. But then the problem is that most people that are worth a big ransom probably have never heard of you, because you only are able to catch them off guard because of their ignorance anyway.

Being a pirate has nothing to do with being -10 or being in low sec.

Most people who think they are pirates are ā€œjustā€ PVPers, they do it for the pewpew or to gain control over an area, real pirates do it for the income and donā€™t really give a toss about the rest. Since most people do it for the pewpew that means that ransoms wonā€™t be offered/honoured much.

There USED to be a strong piracy movement/concept going on where ransoms would be honoured and corps would be gauged on their actions but that is years ago. These days C&P is nothing but mercenary (lol) drama spam, alt gank nonsense posts and terrible meme spam by low IQ idiots.

I ransomed people and honored them back when that was a thing

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I do honor ransoms, but since Iā€™m an official Agent of The New Order and act as the local law enforcement that is clearly bribery and Iā€™m just too honorable to let that go unpunished.


The whole Code thing would be way funnier with working ransoms.

cloak+mwd trick is a MUST for hauling
Furthermore you should not expect to make enough ISK as a new player to plex your account in a month. Use RL money. save time, save frustration and play the game for fun, not for the next plex.


Itā€™s really hard to random someone in under 20s. Even more so if they are AFK watching Netflix.

Good point. so we can scratch ā€œransoming minersā€ from the ā€œmaking ISKā€-list.

In my first weeks of EVE did I learn, ā€œpirates wear silk underwear while playing EVEā€.

This has burned itself into my memory and I consider it to be the only true denominator for who is and isnā€™t a pirate.


Because of few bad apples whole orchard had to be burned.

I tend to play naked with just socks on and a jar of peanut butter on standby.

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Iā€™ll allow it.

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i too shall allow the peanut butter jar. as i have one as well.