I’m experimenting with making certain Trigger Neurolink Conduits (e.g.). I’ve found a few player-owned structures that are rigged out for manufacturing, but can’t figure out which rig I would need to go for. This assumes that a suitable rig exists, which I guess might not be correct. I should note that I can make them profitably without a rig, but the rig would increase my profits by a reasonable percentage, so it’s worth putting in the research and asking around.
The conduits are listed as Components > Advanced Components in market groups, so I had assumed that Advanced Component Manufacturing Material Efficiency I would cover them, but it doesn’t seem to be that way: I had to use the input quantity implied by an unrigged engineering complex. The same structure is rigged with Basic Capital Component Manufacturing Material Efficiency I, so that can’t be it; and a nearby structure with Structure Manufacturing Material Efficiency I doesn’t seem to give a bonus either. I suppose it’s always possible that these items don’t benefit from any manufacturing rig bonus.
Does anybody know?