[March 12 Major Update] Dev Chats!

Eos have become incredibly… overbearing in wormhole space recently. Eos will drop sentries, drone assist them to someone (known as the drone bunny), and just start alpha striking ships off the grid. If someone tries to rush the sentries and kill them, a command destroyer is used to “boosh” the drones away. And now that frigate that was going to blow up the sentries is 100 km away (meaning almost no transversal possible) and the sentries will blast them off the grid.

And the comp completely counters EWAR. You have to damp or jam every ship in order to beat the comp. If you damp the drone bunny, they just switch to another pilot to be the drone bunny.

Its basically a mini-version of the old Domi comp used in null sec before CCP added a limit of the number of drones that could be assisted to one ship (I believe its 25 now). There is no real counter to it… other than bringing the same comp. And that’s not really a counter and thus it isn’t really balanced.


Not a fan, hard to find information and hard to share it.

If it was 1 post, it would be not so bad.

Why are the announcement split across 4 posts? Are we gunna get 1 instagram post per patch line?

I hope there’s a written format shared later on these forums


I thought drone assist was limited to PvE?

Sentrys are “combat drones” on the market


Would make a lot more sense for those posts to be on here than on Instagram


eve x preview not, it keep holding the ctrl key and simulate as you have clicked it again on the next window. that mean you just press next window and click on the broadcast and you are ready, a lot of keyboard support this feature, too. i would like to hear a clear statement from ccp about using mechanics like this. because a lot of people use it and it is a grey zone.

This reads very much like ships that aren’t “meant to warp fast”, ie a lot of hyperspatial fits, will be getting nerfed. Is there any way we can get some clarification on if this is a standardization of warp speed within ship classes (like removing the gap in warp speed between T1 and T2 variants of the same hull) or something more of a rework of the warp speed system as a whole?


I am concerned this’ll be a ‘standardize slow ships to always be slow’ push. Which if such is the case, well… that feels like pushing things into binaries, which is usually bad.

Some clarification would be greatly appreciated


its a great day to see someone who abuses a system to borderline cheating get kicked down a major peg

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Looking forward to reading these on eveonline.com or the official EVE forums. SMH


that reel said “In discussion with the CSM” so I think its probably got something to do with the c6 ya dunked on that was novac. rat tactics and all.

ahh so thats where it was! no wonder i never got any notifications on myspace!! doh!

i guess the reason why i didnt see it on instagram is cause im not:
a) an aspiring c-list celebrity that needs recognition and approval from everyone cause its intrinsically linked to my net worth,
or b) im not a 12yr old girl wracked with insecurities and delusions that i never measure up to the expectations of the world and that i should just end it all.

but hey play to your desired audience there CCP…


point is , what is stopping them from posting here on the OFFICIAL EvE Online FORUM?!?!?!?


No, and it has become an increasing problem that ‘solo’ guys who can instantly bring up 20 ships at any moment they want by massmultiboxing can pressure real corporations of 20 real people to their toes all day long because those always have to ping and form to counter the massmultiboxer. Which is pretty much impossible to maintain over several days in a row.

However, the Eos nerf will not solve that issue, the same can be done with Dominixes or Ishtars, the first being a bit more effort in WHs due to their higher mass, the second being a bit weaker. But the main problem stays the same unless Drone Assist is nerfed in general. However, every nerf of that stuff is a good change.

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What’s wrong with posting outside of their corner? They want to reach people that aren’t already here. It’s not uncommon for devs to communicate using social media. In fact a majority of players don’t even look at the main news feed of game websites. Having information out there is not a bad thing. They also have said that there WILL be more dev blogs with a lot more details.

since you have to ask any of that…

It is safe to assume you are just an idiot, a simp/shill, or both.

So you don’t want more players, got it.

What does discussing changes of current stuff/mechanics with current player base …

Have to do with advertising to new players???

man are you daft. STFU

People being excited about the changes, is very much a marketing opportunity. Just because you don’t use social media, doesn’t mean others don’t.

I don’t understand the stupid statement that CCP Trashpanda used to talk about Eos nerf: “We’ve been looking at the Eos Command Ship, splitting out the damages of the drones to make sure that we are separating the sentry drones from the regular drones, allowing for the eos to remain as powerful as possible, but also making sure that it’s not oppressive with the sentries.”

How can Eos “remain as powerful as possible” considering the sentries were what makes them powerful in first place? Now they are nothing, NO ONE is going to use them with what you call COMBAT DRONES (Heavy, Medium or Light Drones when you have cheaper options for example Ishtars. This is a nonsense, and @CCP_Swift still doesn’t give a reason to justify this nerf that affects THOUSANDS of accounts that uses Eos for multibox