[March 12 Major Update] Dev Chats!

Honestly, I would rather see CCP nerf or eliminate these mechanics instead of continuing to nerf ships. Personally, they could (and should) do away with drone assist.

Kind of like all the Marauder nerfs…


its just a 2 min video… damn.

multibox…maybe they are trying to curb multiboxing… ya know the thing A LOT of players complain about.

Well i dont have instagram or any other of that crap. Dont even want it. From what some players have told me its just CCP getting on their knees again to “pleasure” the null carebears/bots and ratters. If us hisec or wh dwellers put on some lipgloss and bend over will you give some love to those areas of the game ???

Wait we aren’t on the forums?

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Full details will be out in 5 days. So until then…

so, no more Solo Wormholing eh? as ECM burst was the only thing to a tiny chance against gang drops.

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The EOS nerf feels like a bandaid fix to the issue that is drone assist.

Why would multiboxers not swap to a different Sentry droneboat and continue abusing drone assist?

Will you kill the Dominix, Ishtar, Proteus, Myrmidon and Vexor sentry bonuses next when multiboxers move on to using those ships instead?

Don’t kill the Eos, kill drone assist.


Hopefully they all quit. Seriously. Massmultiboxing is a cancer to this game.


I think they will rather “rebalance” it, so it will stay powerful in close range combat, but simply not be able to combine drone-sniping with a brick tank any more. Sounds solid. If you compare to the Absolution/Damnation/Nighthawk/Vulture/Claymore/Sleipnir → none of these ships can easily apply significant DPS over 160km while still maintaining a 100k eHP+ tank.


I’ve been taking a liking to solo sentry drone setups, but don’t like that my ship choices get nerfed because multiboxers can use drone assist to easily coordinate the damage of 10 ships at once.

I moved on from the Eos when it recently got nerfed, but wouldn’t want the other sentry ships to be nerfed too just because drone assist exists.

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True that. Tbh Drone Assist is a nice unique feature of the weapon system but it simply scales too well. So they should just cut off that top-end performance but still having it a viable option for smaller engagements.

  1. make it skill-based: “Remote Drone Control” enables a player to take over the control for 5 Drones per skill level, limiting the max amount of controlled drones to 5 own +25 friendly.

  2. Drone Control Limitations of the controlling ship apply. Means it either has to fit DroneLink Augmentors (cost HighSlots and lots of CPU) itself or is limited to 60km Standard Range when controlling assisted drones. This limit the choice of ships useful as sniping-dronebunny and makes fitting them more difficult since energized membranes / shield hardeners probably won’t fit any more.

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I just want to say thank you CCP and to the devs. imo it feels like you have all woken up since uprising and are listening to your players again like when i started in 2015. i am hyped and excited about the changes you are coming with and i think you are on the right track of what’s good for eve online. i hope you keep the communication up like you have been on this major patch its been good.

id rather you stir the pot that eve is too much then let it sit still for too long.

funnytnt minsenis

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  1. Get rid of (permanently remove) drone assist.
  2. Stop nerfing ships (and rollback the Marauder/EOS nerfs).
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Why on God’s green and fuzzy earth would you put this on Instagram? What is wrong with you?


Follow up with action, so this

abomination is never repeated again.

Is that not literally what the discord is for?

The start of the wedge was reddit. Now the falvour of the month appears to be insta. When the devs get tired of that, will snap be next?


I have no Insta account and cannot see this content. Thank you, @CCP_Swift Very thoughtful of you.

And when will that be? You are giving Insta users an unfair advantage at the moment. Something you decried in the past when you closed Sisi for the exact same reason.


So making it like an Ishtar? Those ships shouldn’t have a bonus to sentries, period. Its a battleship weapon.

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