[March 12 Major Update] Dev Chats!

just for reference to show how imbalanced the Sentry Eos currently is:

  • all ships T2 fitted ~500M ISK
  • all fitted for comparable tracking
  • all fitted with as much damage as possible after getting 50k eHP tank
    (of course one can always sacrifice range/damge for tank, Eos being able to get well over 100k ehp / 150k with fleetboost and still have 140km Sentry range + 500 DPS)

  • Now add up that the Eos can use abyssalrolled Damagemods AND Drones while the other ships can ony abyssalroll the Damagemods, but not the guns.
  • Then add up that the Eos don’t need to fit for Lockrange because the drones are bunny-assisted.
  • Then add up that the Eos’ can all be controlled by a single bunny ship and never need to reload ammo while multiboxing a dozen or more turretships will create huge delays in target switching and ammo-reload breaks.

If that isn’t broken AF, I don’t know what is.


so ccp thinks we are too stupid to understand warp?


Well, Instagram wont let me read these posts, so the only conclusion i can end up with is that it’s gonna be ■■■■.

Not like CCP doesnt have its own platform to post news, like a blog, or a forum…


Thanks for the correction.

These vague off-site announcements of supposed changes are weird.
I very much prefer dev blogs and patch notes.


let ccp do free commercial in asstagram. but next time it must be hot cheek.

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Posting patch notes as instagram reels just follows the incredible UX design of EVE since day one.


A big difference is that Sentries are a stationary damage platform that you cannot easily move when the enemy moves out of range.

I think a simple damage over distance graph misrepresents the difference between those weapons when it misses important nuances like that.

Just kill drone assist and it’s fixed.

And maybe squash sentry ranges. The only way to get such ranges is Caldari Sentries, while Gallente Sentries reach nowhere near that far. Nerf Caldari Sentries before the Eos.

CCP tried this and it was such a mess it was removed next downtime.

Did they? I thought it was broken once, but haven’t heard anything else.

So you’ve all decided that sentries aren’t combat drones?

Given that they can’t be used for anything else, what are they?

Ok, so not next downtime, but yes.


Like anyone was surprised at this.

It shouldn’t be a grey zone.

It should be one single key stroke for every single action, anything that takes out one of those actions should be banned.

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ECM burst is only way for booshers to get on kms and evaluate their performance in combat (as they can check who died after boosh). Just ban input broadcasting and alpha chars multiboxing instead screwing up real people who does important stuff.

Pretty sure that wasn’t drone assist…

I think one of the side effects was how it impacted drone assist for the incursion crowd, as the change caused assisted drones to just sit there doing nothing regardless of active/passive settings, making the DDD and the HHH very sad face.

  1. Comment on ECM Changes :

Why remove ECM from mining ships? I think cruisers and all industrial ships should keep them. ECM Burst frigates… okay who cares, but it needs to work on smartbomb ruptures/mallers/proteus as well.

Against a cloaked hunter only ECM drones and ECM burst is available since the WCS will not help in such cases. so removing them from mining barges is a huge loss for lowsec mining. For exploration ships it’s also a big nerf.

  1. Simplifying warp speed Changes:

Think about this this way
“we are looking to simplify ship velocity among all ships in eve”

  • who would want this? making stuff more generic would suck hard. Ships have identities and that what makes some ships fun!
    I would rather go the opposite route and change some stuff and align them with the ship’s empire. Angels ofc need to be the fastest warpers, maybe the amarr or gallente warp slower idk…
    but “simplifying” is not the right term. You are killing ship diversity imo.

Booshers completely solve this ‘problem’, they transport the whole pack of Eos’ with all their drones a 100km in whatever direction you want. They don’t even need to scoop and redeploy the drones for that.

edit: ah just saw that

Nah, Wardens are absolutely fine in PvE, like on a Rattle or NavyDominix. There is absolutely no problem with these as long as they aren’t mass-assisted. And the range is okay, they deal less DPS compared to Gardes. But the comparison was made against all other weapon’s long range ammo as well (Tremor, Aurora, Spike), of course the Eos’ could drop Gardes and then don’t have this domnating range, but they would also gain damage and tracking when doing that and the domination stays the same if all others would switch to their highest-damage close-range ammo too.

Is it possible for an ihub upgrade that forces the faction specific gas and a worm hole upgrade system that can increase different site spawn chances?

I think this would go a long way to fixing the economy.

You say here that the game is less fun and the player count proves it as someone who cant afford my fun anymore I believe the right move is to reduce the cost of ships by increasing material output. Which drives up confict. No one wants to drop dreads even as a dread ball is 1 trillion that just isnt sustainable even with the increase in bounty payouts.

Oh absolutely, and that means Fleetwarps and Regroups too. These remove content by eliminating “mess ups” from fleetmembers that then could be picked off by the opponent after failing to warp, or warping to the wrong location or range. Or falling behind after missing a boosh. All those mistakes would be opportunities to learn from them, a reminder to concentrate, focus and paying attention.

Yes, all remote-control of other capsuleers ships could be entirely removed.

Revert Eos nerf. It’s a nonsense that now even a Myrmydon T1 is going to deal more damage with Sentries than an Eos. Now Eos won’t even be useful as links since you should prefer Danmnation. Also not even useful for using Heavy Drones since Proteus/Ishtar have bonus to max velocity drones. You killed an entire gameplay for a lot of multiboxer. You’ll soon see 3k less player active every day just with this, I hope your game dies soon.

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