March 2018 Release - General Feedback

ok, another shutdown in 14mn, i’ll back tommorrow

Honestly, i’m surprised that some ideas were implemented…

  1. who came up with the great idea that blocked lists pre-update will be completely unsorted by name and blocking lists after the updated are sorted “a-z” followed by “A-Z” instead of “a/A - z/Z” like it was before?
    that makes no sense to me at all and just adds up the human work you have to put into those lists.
    in addition to that, i’m not sure if it’s improving general efficiency by a large amount in terms of search algorithms efficiency.
  2. the new possible channel role system is *****.
    while it is in general a good idea that operators can not add/remove other operators, it’s a massive problem that you can not create new roles like “complete admin-acess”, “co-admin acess” and so on.
    this is leaving the problem that, if the original creator/admin goes offline for a long time, you’ll have no ability to remove toxic operators or add new ones at all when “old” operators decide to quit the channel/discontinue their activity.
    (this was also tested again on tq before writing this post, there is no option for that, unfortunately)

-edit 19:54 gmt+1-
in addition to “2.”(see above), to solve the problem easily without a huge menu, there should be 4 roles which can be given out by the channel admin;

  1. “new” operator role as it is. (should be able to edit motd and manage blocked/allowed lists ofc)
  2. “operartor of operators” (basically a regular operator with the ability to add/remove operators, (regular ones and operators of operators))
  3. “co-admin” (basically all rights except adding/removing master-admins, so he can e.g., in addition to the 2 above, change the channels name)
  4. “master-admin” (all rights)

PS-the “4 step system” mentioned above would include making all current channel “operators” to the new role “operartor of operators”, that way, the acess would be extended in general and “old” channels could maintain the exact same style they’ve been since, effectively, nothing imporant changes for them"


so if operators can’t edit motd or essentially change any of the useful channel settings, then whats the point of being an operator. There should at least be another option that lets people other than the channel creator to change the motd.


“Operators of chat channels can no longer add further operators, change the password, or change the mode of the chat channel. Only the channel owner is now allowed to do those things.”

This was a super-bad, terrrible, horrible (etc etc insert 10 more bad signal) idea. It causes huge major problems with ancient but still popular channels.

Remove this change ASAP please. Thanks.


These chat channel ops changes are going to materially affect Warp To Me Incursions’ ability to run fleets efficiently, mostly because all of our logi are going to have to swap to a whole new set of chat channels every couple hours when we change FC’s. Please make it possible for more than one channel “owner” to grant MOTD-editing rights on a channel.


Bad , very BAD decision regarding removing the operator roles in chat channels.


You still have not made this god awful duel betting optional. Get rid of this rubbish!

Aside from all the other obvious “bad things” above.

Why was the “My Channels” tab removed and now the channels you own/made are lumped into the “player channels” tab ?

This “improvement” was supposed to ADD functionality to the chat system, NOT take it away.
What the Frack?

CCP Yous got som splain’in to do!
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa Ricky

DEV BLOG QUOTE: "There is no intended change in how text chat behaves"
You use these words, but I do not think they mean what you think they mean.


The notification telling you about the Agency points still does not open the Agency window and instead the useless Notification and Mail window, which tells you nothing about the agency points. This is the 4th event now where you ignore this.


Also: I really disdain you for introducing more of these utterly ugly pink skins. and worst of all, you gave Amarr the pink treatment. You are vile monsters.

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Love the way that ‘Local’ chat is so borked that it’s not showing who is actually in local

Went to one of the new pink skin (yuk) sites thinking i’m alone and there’s a couple of guys in the site running it, local shows as me being alone and yep this is high sec

Yay good job CCP now go stand in the corner and think about what you have done

I have to ask @CCP_Falcon

“Operators of chat channels can no longer add further operators, change the password, or change the mode of the chat channel. Only the channel owner is now allowed to do those things.”

Why was this change made? There are plenty of groups in Eve that rely on this functionality, especially when a channel owner may leave Eve at any time and be unable to do these functions.

If I need to add someone to the ops list of a group channel, what am I meant to do, tell everyone to join the new one because the owner of the one we created yesterday got hit by a buss on the way to work?


Well going to hit by the bus would suck but yeah pretty much if that’s the way they’re going to change things

Ouch… I know Red vs Blue had channels created for many reasons by people who no longer play or are not with that group. That will stink!

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Really going to suck for some people honestly and I’m sure it will it hurts my heart to see that happen because their channels myself that I can’t even get back into because of this mess up in the person who made them refuses to come home to the game and they have are freaking orca sitting in there hanger collecting dust that I would love to buy from them but they will not log in because they’re still mad about the last of the wardec and they say nobody plays with them because they’re in South Korea on assignment and there’s nobody over there on his time he wants to talk to American that’s why he plays Eve to socialize with American because he doesn’t get much interacting with a job I guess

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Or when the owner was banned and CCP refuses to transfer ownership of the channel. Great change, CCP. Great change.


It won’t be much longer until CCP runs out of stuff to outsource

“Operators of chat channels can no longer add further operators, change the password, or change the mode of the chat channel. Only the channel owner is now allowed to do those things.”

Yes I agree. Maybe there is a technical reason this had to be changed with the new chat system but it is very crippling. My corp PushX has many channels outside of Corp channel that the original founder of the corp made 6 years ago but he is no longer around. Now if any new CEO comes along they can not be allowed to make changes to our chat channels.


So XMPP is what a 1999 protocol. They chose to use that for a game and then crushed some of the very important features for a multiplayer single shard game, a game where one of the most important aspects of player interaction is text?

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