March 2018 Release - General Feedback

The game is running very poorly now on my system and several others (including some VERY high-end gaming rigs!) - is this due to the “graphical optimisations”?

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When will chat functionality be restored? I have Moons to mine and I can’t do that without Intel Channels and local working correctly.

Are you CCP really gonna leave the game in this state ? while nothing is working properly?24h after realease and the game is even worse maybe then where in beta

Chat is still acting funny, random names appear and dissapear from local in a flash. The hunt site is kinda bugged, 2nd wave is delayed sometimes even for up to 10 min. Remember the Glacial drift event where the boss didn’t drop loot every once in a while? Well, that bug has been fixed after a week into the event. With this event we don’t even get a 2nd beacon spawn in the same system. Chuppy work, unfortunatly.


For maximum joy, I think you should advise people to turn on GPU particles. I was about to file another less than amused post about the very slushy, low quality of the new fireworks effects after I saw so much more beautiful effects in the videos. It would really help to know that GPU particles need to be enabled to enjoy these effects in their full glory.


Ah yes

I see the icon now, was this change not listed in the little fixes blog?

Dont think i saw anything about it thou i can be wrong lol

In wh static time respawn now about 5 min and after y cant jump in about 1-2 min more - fix pls

Database issues? Server dropping connections atm


CCP have introduced the Black Hole syndrome into EVE - way to go, Hawkins was right :slight_smile:

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In terms of old patch days this is still pretty good. However I hate to think of all the people losing ships/drones w.e because of unannounced server disconnects/ the server taking a week off. If only we had a test server to test things.

Suggestion going forward - Don’t restart the server until you fix the problems :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway you can test things better? I pulled this from the previous mass test: Yes, the test is over and it succeeded without any massive problems (still a few minor bugs to fix). - I wouldn’t call the server completely wrecking itself “minor”.

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Another thing: Why is the new tether icon so convoluted? What is this ball above the tether beam in the icon? Why did you not do the obvious: All the icons in the Crime Watch bar have chevrons for the ships. Why did you use the chevrons there as well?

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The changes to chat window portraits panel is terrible; and these bubbles are a dumb idea - they make it difficult to work out who is neutral in a system at first glance and for some reason less characters now fit in the window, thus making scrolling down even more of a chore… no likey!!


[Edit] Also, if portraits hadn’t loaded you used to be able to click the tab at top of window, but this feature is no longer there. Had to wait 5 minutes for characters portraits to load - ::sadface::


Member list settings / show compact member list :} you can thank me later.


Ahhhaa, me being dumb lol :slight_smile: …and thank you!

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Possible BUG: It seems that right clicking on a link in chat no longer shows the context menu with ‘Copy URL’.

New Chat - What a downgrade from the previous system.

First off it is not persistent, every time I log in a character I have to spend the first few minutes moving chat windows resizing input boxes and then wait for it up date so I can see who is neut and who isn’t.

Second, we have a nasty looking icon cluttering up the window that says - Start Conversation - Only problem is, it doesn’t start a conversation it only opens a chat window and then you have to type something in that window to initiate an actual conversation.

NB; just jumped into a nul system with 24 people in it (at least that’s how many local says is in here, not sure how accurate it is) - Chat was still loading local after I had warped 64 AU and docked in the keepstar.


At the very least, chat settings and placement need to be persistent. Once you position and set up your chat boxes they should be in the same place each time you log in.



These are based on tweaks/adjustments/changes made in the March .

  1. “The height of the “Duration” drop down in market orders have been increased, so all entries fit without scrolling”
    That’s handy - how about applying the same treatment to The Agency’s filter drop-downs? Most of them will obviously not show the whole list, so some scrolling would still be required, but at least it would make it somewhat easier to scan down a long list of options, instead of peering through a 6-line keyhole.

  2. “When switching ammo types, charges will now always be placed into an existing stack of the same ammo type where possible.”
    Good, thank you for fixing this at last. Here’s a though: why not give scanner probes the same treatment? They are, after all, also “ammo”, and while they were already “misbehaving” in this manner while other ammo types were restacking, I see no reason they shouldn’t enjoy the same improvement. It would then be up to players to keep more probes than they need for a reload in order to ensure neat restacking.

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So typical ccp. They work hard on a new feature. Then Roll it out, only to have everybody immediately turn it off. Just shows how out of touch they are.

Oh? Weren’t you just telling folk to use the compact list to get rid of the chat :thought_balloon: bubble? Maybe I’m mistaken you with someone else.