March 2018 Release - General Feedback

Heheheh - it’s like vertigo… “don’t jump, don’t fall… mmmm… feel like jumping… it’s pulling me in…”

In response to the terrible new chat system and all the headaches it has caused I propose that we make a statement.

I was going to inject some of my local currency into Eve for some plex. I will not be doing that. This purchase will be skipped in response to CCPs negligence. And because they lack a community team to ease us through these difficult patches.

I propose that others join me and post here when you do and how much CCP did not get from you today.

I did not spend 20 United States dollars today.

Thanks CCP :confused:

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I will notify Burger King right away!

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Then you did not get the amazing SARIEL´S FLAMES skin - you lose!

Seriously, getting chat off the TQ server and into the cloud is the right thing to do. So they had a few glitches with the deployment - as a Canadian public servant I’ve seen worse:


If you already have racks full of hardware, then “into the cloud” just means you will pay more for the same thing.

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I still sub my 4 accounts because developing one of the world’s largest single server MMOs on one of the most complex servers in gaming that allows for a deep universe full of interesting content might see a small issue every few years. An issue that they tackled with fervor while working all night and keeping us updated.

Do you remember this thread and their Twitter feed when they were updating us all day around the clock?

Did you see this post further updating us about status and what they plan to do for the players in response to the issue?

No? Do a little more research next time before posting.

Yes? Then you’re just whining and trying to distort the reality of the complex work they do to support your narrative that they don’t care.

They do care, they’ve run the game for 15 years, constantly update the game, and work tirelessly to keep it running smoothing.


Can we get the little person back in the top right of the chat window to see how many people are in chat?

The counter next to the name in the chat bar is squished so you cant see it, because I like many others have probably 7 chats per stack or better including d scan etc when un-docked so there’s no room and i have to stretch my window out to see how many people are in local for example. And how about that alliance chat counter still all wonky?



And thank you for terminating the server 1 minute after restarting. I hope this is nothing serious again. ^^

Reading this: Where are we performance-wise now compared to before the switch? Antiquarian and other devs boasted about how this system would improve performance. So far, however, we have only experienced noticeably and significantly worse performance. Where are we now? Back to 0? Still worse? A bit better than before the switch?

At least after this sudden termination after the DT, the patch notes are now true. The adjustments I did to my chats’ UI is still there after this emergency DT. Good. We are making progress.

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March Realease 1.9 deployed.


User Interface:

  1. Fixed an issue with standings sometimes not showing correctly in chat member lists.
  2. Chat: The “show member list” setting is now used correctly after client restart.
  3. Chat: Closed chat windows are now saved correctly to settings and will not reopen on client restart.
  4. Chat: Chat windows are now remembering the settings of the user list width and the height of the input area at client restart.
  5. Chat: The member list of delayed chat channels, like the alliance channel, is now only showing characters, who wrote anything, and no longer everybody, who joined the channel after the observer joined.
  1. Wrong - Not fixed. 4 out of 10 members in chat show as neutral. (switching tabs in chat fixes it)

  2. Wrong - Still opening player channels that were not open when I logged of the night before. Plus all my previous chat channels are still missing (I don’t save chat logs so have no way to recover them)

** Still can’t remove unwanted player channels - “Forget Channel” just doesn’t work.


Things that wreck TQ do not necessarily wreck SiSi. Plus, they don’t exactly have 30,000 to 40,000 accts logging in for SiSi mass tests. TQ is a different beast, they’d have to let SiSi run amok for 10+ years and have the exact same hardware as TQ and it probably still wouldn’t perfectly mirror it.

Wondered about that myself… I think it’s supposed to be indicate your ship, and the funnel/vortex below it is the tether. But yeah, just the vortex alone would be sufficient for indicating tether status, IMO.

*hides it until you mouseover…

but yeah, at least it’s not visible for EVERYONE IN CHANNEL 24/7 365 that way.

I know the operator issue has been brought up an awful lot but it would be nice to know if it’s something that’s being worked on.

Do we have to abandon our years old public channels because we’re now unable to add new operators, or can we just wait it out for an upcoming patch?

All that really needed to be done was a channel option to allow operators to add new operators or not :confused:

Anyway it’d be nice to know whether we need to take action or can just wait patiently :slight_smile:


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[Re-posted for the sake of “visibility” amongst all the noise about the broken chat system]

Visual frame-rate and input frame-rate are both often very bad in deadspace complexes, since the release of March release. Areas that previously performed normally, now are often so laggy as to be unplayable unless the view is zoomed out all the way. The problem is not 100% “consistent” - occasionally, a large complex may run fine, while in the next system a mere low-grade high-sec combat anomaly with hardly any structures and very few ships will stutter and lag atrociously. Furthermore, at times like these, the system map and probe scanning on it becomes extremely unpleasant to use; also, it sometimes (again not with consistency, though) seems that turning off the tactical grid alleviates the problem very slightly - which of course defeats the point of the tactical overlay

Performance has also degraded in some other situations, to varying degrees. Upon entering a system, sever frame-rate drops are often experienced. In Jita, I am now often experiencing extremely degraded performance even not only upon entry or undocking, but largely at any time (and this is particularly severe in anomalies/signature sites.)

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So CCP said patch/Update was successfully deployed ?? Well i am a Motor body builder. Yesterday i sent out a new rebuild of a chevy impala. I didnt put any seats or steering wheel but by CCP’s standards i guess it was a successfull rebuild :rofl:


Do you spot clouds or nebulas in the sites? Those were replaced over the last couple of patches with a version using new shaders, which massively degrades performance in these sites.

CCP is not able or willing to fix this, the only option seems to be a reduction in clouds by the design team. Open a ticket for the specific sites you encounter the issue.

Fog-effects in the affected areas are likely, but the problem isn’t exclusive to them - I’ve also experienced it in very simple sites with very little in the way of graphical assets to “justify” such performance degradation. I’ve been wanting to submit bug-reports on this, but sometimes the situation can be a little too… “tense” for that, hehehehe - however, when possible I will follow your advice on this . Thanks.



Some fixed things:

  • Moderation lists (Block/Muted/Allowed) are not sorted properly
  • Moderation lists load faster
  • Moderation lists now load faster
  • Right clicking a char in the text field now also shows the Channel -> Mute/Kick option.

We are making progress. :slight_smile:

Dear CCP

Thank you for removing of the chat bubble. It looks like you listen your players again.
