March 2020 - General Feedback

soooo… which means they get “slow isk sink”

hey guys did you ever see that mystical “0.01 trade bot” ?

Trading has just become SUPER boring. I see no reason to log in more than once per week, since I won’t be wasting isk updating my orders. :frowning:


Yes. Screenshot of my 3 trading account hunting bots on 3 different markets.
You can see bots following my orders… very precisely… but was more advanced bot, it ISKed 0.01, 0.02 & 0.03.
Though I think there were 2 bots on the Providence market in this screenshot.


Yes, yes I have. Humans do not get pump and dumped twice. Bots do.


Probably a few of them, but most of us are just normal EVE players that just saw our main enjoyment and playstyle not just nerfed, but removed in every enjoyable capacity.

Why the heck no red dot opt out or better yet get rid of that feature? It has got to be one of the stupidest things ever added to the game. I do not need to know I got knew stuff in my hold or hangar after I loot stuff or drop it off.


WTF?!? You guys totally screwed up the market!!

I guess that in Iceland, one way to kill the fleas is to shoot the dog.


I thank CCP for Reverting new item auto-sorting, based on player feedback. Still holding out hope for new item notification opt-out switch.


Just look for the red dot…

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I actually feel resistance within when I choose to log into this game because of changes like these.

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It’s not about having traders who can adapt. Of course some will still engage with market trading. BUT, the PVP element is gone, any kind of fast movement is gone, m,argin traders are gone, HUGE taxes on traders are being levied. and for what? This benefits no one, as it removes a pillar of the game, and there aren’t so many pillars still standing.


First, anyone looking to get their SP in the shortest amount of time possible for the least amount of effort and cost, isn’t going to go out killing noobs. They’re going to kill alts or trade kills with friends sitting in unfitted T1 frigates.

Second, preying on noobs in and around rookie systems is against the Eula.

Third, god forbid CCP do something to encourage fights within a PvP centric game.

TYVM for collapse all assets. May I suggest an iteration on it:
Given I am on a tab of Personal Assets, and all items are collapsed
When I click the collapse all button
Then all items expand

I can modify my orders from twenty jumps away. Your complaint is invalid.

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Anybody tell you the prices are for sell and buy orders combined? Everything matches up perfectly.

Experiencing rapid disconnect/reconnects in local and corp chats, many times per minute. My other chats all closed their windows and have not reopened. Reported from ingame as EBR-193165

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Yawn, more alarmist over-exaggerations from kids who are just mad they can’t wait time 0.01 isking anymore since that’s all they were good at.

@Gunslinger_Hero gee, you mad bro? adapt and over come.

RIP my expensive orders. I guess I will have to list everything in really small quantities now so I don’t get screwed by relisting. This really messes with orders like Navy Cap boosters which are high value high demand.

I made all my money by importing at my regional trade hub. But now that you changed the market, I dont know if it will be feasible for me to continue doing this part of the game, which is the one i loved the most. If it isn’t anymore, I will be quitting.