[March] The Monitor Flag Cruiser

Personally, I just think he’s wrong. Most of the voices in favor of this thing aren’t FCs. The bloc FCs are the ones saying ‘it could be good if you changed XYZ, maybe?’ I mean, you really don’t get more ‘bloc FC’ than Manny there, in terms of experience.

How will this ship tank mission sites when it can’t do anything to keep the rats aggressed on it, instead of the guys actually shooting things?

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I can see it being of some use in incursions, but again, not over any other kind of ship with weapons or command links.

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Right, I mean most Bloc FCs want it but with probes and a whoregun. The 9nes who absolutely don’t want it are smaller people.

@ Arrendis : i could awnser that question but we would be taking this thread off topic and i don’t want to give people ideas.

On most sites using the old AI aggro is on the 1st ship to enter and if u stay close to the rats they don’t change aggro, but I’m mostly solo nowadays so can’t tell if they actually changed this behavior in PvE. I know the new AI is smarter (annoying actually) but most sites/missions will remain with the old AI


Current rat aggro will move around.

i could also say that the people that dont want it because it will ruin the game is almost everybody with at least half a brain, and the ones that actually want it seem to be in one way or another related to GSF, everyone know GSF just wants to ruin eve for everyone. just stop posting please.

And maybe he is wrong, I just now an increment of the people here personally,
to be honest even my best EvE friends can be a retard and have bad ideas.

You should note that everyone here have different views and you might need to look at their perspective as well.

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I think they’re more saying ‘unless it has this, there’s really no reason we’d ever use it, we have Command Ships and T3Cs’.


Having a basically invincible ship on grid is just plain bad game mechanics anyway you put it.


Killing an enemy FC and thereby removing content from the field for a group is worse.

I can easily say the first thing we are going to do is what is the ship used for,
then abuse the heck out of the Ship/Module/Rig.

Im already thinking the Drifter boys how will they make the Monitor keep the agro from Drifters.
If Probes get added most FC’s would not think a second time of using the ship if DPS calculations still alpha.
Highsec fleets will use this ship for some specialized training.
Lowsec fleets won’t really care much about this ship.
Nullsec fleets will definitely use this ship when a fleet is at +100 just to reduce the management making each fleet member able to focus more on their task.
Wormholers will love this with a probe launcher and may end colapsing frigate holes if the mass is super low, but won’t focus mutch on the ship rather optimize dps and stratergy of other ships.

No rather the question i ask you all, is this the mindset we want to allow it into the EvE universe.?



@Lexx_Devi no

If the answer isnt no now it will be in the future.

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lets add a whore gun, now lets bump something so it cant warp and solo it in a ridiculasly overtanked ship…

You know its gonna happen…

cus a fleet of 250 with these ships…


the FEW people who will likely want to fly this ship are only init it for the ‘fame’ that is literally the only reason an Fc would not want to get headshotted, if they werent after the fame, create new character, injectors.

Although I don’t like the idea of making a ship almost impossible to kill, I like the fact that CCP is making an effort to improve the quality of life for FC.

In a broader sense, I would like CCP to hire or train specialized GM to conduct regular FC training programs to train up capable FCs to fill vacancies in alliances and/or corporations, because this game has became so much relying on FC to work and player’s effort might not be able to fill the demand. Shortage of qualified FC limits the growth of this game in all areas, not just null. GM might work with the help of the game communities to give FC lectures to interested players. FC trainees might join a few sov. wars as observers to learn the basics, such as fleet composition, probing, anchoring, moving, positioning, priority of targets, drone management, logistics command,…etc. Adding more FCs into the game is adding more contents into the game. In term of new game contents, the cost of training player FCs is much lower than the cost of hiring more developers. I think implementing FC training program fills player’s need and fits the business strategy of EVE Online.

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No very useful without Probes tho. Just a glorified brick for TD heavy fights

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There are plenty of groups that offer training.

Join an alliance that offers training.

FCs are so important in this game. I think it deserves a systematic approach from the game company to add more capable FCs into the game.

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