Market Window bugged?

The order marked should be green too right? It’s a region wide order.
Or am i missing something?

I think it’s only green cause its in the station, where as the top 2 arent?

Green means “order is active in the place you are / you can sell to it from here”; since region wide orders are acitve over the whole region, they should be green everywhere in the whole region.
A system range order is green everywhere in the same system and so on.

It should look like this one

Perhaps the buyer has no access to the station you are at that moment?

You probably don’t have the “Minimum Quantity” for the order.

EDIT: NVM I see required QTY…

looks like you are docked in the perimiter - trade market citadel so you can’t sell to orders from other citadels.

can only execute citadel orders in that citadel or an NPC station.

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