I just noticed that the Maulus looks kinda similar to the Slave One(that one star wars ship) is it just me?
Interesting observation, I agree it does look somewhat similar though I always thought it looked like a Puffer fish.
I could see the navitas as a pufferfish, but not the Maulus
The ship needs to be burned with fire.
Specifically, with caldari inferno torpedoes at 10000000 degrees Fahrenheit.
Oh, you don’t like EWAR? Or you just don’t like how it looks?
And what else would you burn it with? Water?
No way that navitas looks like a rock cod
I don’t know fish
I don’t know Star Wars ship names other than the DeathStar and Imperial Walkers
Eh, fair enough, and i know a few Star Wars ship names even tho I’m a trekkie
If I had high expectations, i wouldn’t be on a forum about space pixels (lol, I’m kidding, mostly)
Perhaps you are similar to our ways and in saying such welcome aboard to these forums Pilot!
i like the maulus, its such a lovely and versatile ship. she always reminds me of a fencing mask that is used in various blade oriented combat sports/martial arts.
i wish its navy variant would meet the expectations it visually promises.
Yea, I think it is pretty cool, it’s too bad they didn’t use this as the Gallente explo frig and the imicus as the Gallente damp/ewar
What does ISD stand for
It used to be that way, the maulus hull was used for the Helios. This got changed in Trinity iirc, around 2007.
yeah that stinks that its not that way
Wait until you see how close the vindicator and the megathron look.