Hello i would like to suggest expert system timer only counts down when logged in
Yes and I want a subscription for free.
CCP is not a charity, they sell subscriptions and microtransactions for the game so they earn money to maintain and develop the game.
They might sell more Expert Systems if the expiry was fairer
Skills train only when logged in then
Bad idea
i know it is… but i rebutted your bad idea with one…
why stop there? boosters? SP? contracts? missions?
The Expert System is only useful when logged in so i dont see why it should expire while you aren’t
Other timers are for another topic
The company thrives on making you want to come back.
Quick, your expert system is ticking away don’t you want to use it?
Don’t you want to not waste it?
Log on to not do that!
Play our game, feel an obligation towards it!
It’s a very good business model and there’s no good lore or business reason to change it.
In fact, having it only be for time logged in is way worse because it incentivizes being logged on for the MINIMUM time possible!
There can be unintended consequences by designing products that tries to control the behavior of the customer rather than just providing him or her value.
Said in another way the argument for the current design seems to be that CCP makes more money this way. But how do they know? The Expert Systems are intentionally made less valuable, and this somehow makes people spend more money on them?
It would be interesting with a test and then review of sales, assuming the information about the change also got out. For example Expert System duration reduced to 24 hours, but will only tick if you are logged in. This means if you only play on weekends you get to enjoy as much of it as someone who plays every day. They will not sell less Experts Systems from such a change.
As a major in economics, existing examples of this very test that you’ve described show precisely what I said. That time pressure makes people interact more.
It’s the exact same way with power ups in mobile games. They’re always on a timer to try to nudge the user to stay on the game to not waste the power up.
Think how much less you’d do Duolingo, for a common example, if there weren’t timed XP boosts, daily and monthly challenges, and a very prominent streak that it constantly tells you that you NEED to keep going.
Obligation drives interaction, interaction drives sales, sales drive the company. It’s as simple as that!
(This also ties into your skill training question, old players have a very highly skilled character and assets just sitting there! It’s so easy to just log on for a minute and see what’s up… after all you’ve invested so much time…)
They are more likely to burn out
EVE Online is a marathon as far as im concerned. It has little in common with cheap mobile games, except perhaps the way the Expert System is currently designed. But if EVE Online tries to compete with cheap mobile games by becoming more like them, they might lose their current players, and the cheap mobile games will be better at being cheap mobile games so they will not gain much of those players? And then theres a disaster in the making it seems
@Nujenif_Talvanen How long does the average cheap mobile game last?