Zaraevahr hit the ground running this first week of the New Year in Aridia.
At 03:00 hours on Saturday, a heavy Armor Division undocked from 7th Fleet Headquarters in Mishi to directly assault a local Blood Raider Forward Operating Base. The assault fleet destroyed the Blood Raider defense fleet and all subsequent reinforcements, until the Blood Raiders simply stopped sending them to die.
This was the largest show of force from the Khimi Harar since YC120. Their return to Mishi has been met with great enthusiasm from local civilians and government officials alike.
Blood Raiders Stronghold | Blood Raiders | Killmail | zKillboard
In a public statement, a spokesman for Zaraevahr reiterated their commitment to the safety of the Mayonhen Constellation, promising that this was simply the first of more to come.
Additionally, Zaraevahr’s inaugural Mining Fleet deployed to the Ice Field in Avada for the first time. Nearly 2 dozen ships were observed in a surprisingly large operation. It would seem that the Khimi Harar were not intimidated by the recent ‘Ice War of Avada’, which ended as quickly as it began.
For years, the vast Ice Field in Avada has remained an untapped resource amidst the desert of Aridia.
The irony of the Ni-Kunni is that their desperate need of water and fuel could easily be solved by mining this nearby wealth of ice. Fuel and water imports would grind to a halt, and for the first time in history, Mishi could become a net exporter of water and fuel.
A small criminal actor has dominated all operations, laundering the profits to fund and fuel illicit criminal activities. All attempts by others to touch ‘his ice’ have been crushed. Local resentment of the ‘Avada Ice Team’ is high…
Will Khimi Harar be the first to end this illegal monopoly and bring prosperity to Mishi? Or will the Amarr Loyalists be crushed like all other before?