Mechanic or gameplay that is considered unfair gaming

Does this mean that all legal proceedings have been halted?

That’s a shame. I was hoping for some good old Perry Mason done Eve style

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I stand by what i have said before…its just that i think CCP games didn t see this coming…with regards to death spawns…? they didn t see ME coming…for i am a true champion of the ABYSS…AMEN.

No sharing…the truth will remain between me and CCP games for i am not doing this for glory

Lovely stuff

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No…I still stand by what i have said before…its not just one thing…its a combination of mechanics and gameplay

you know what? let me tell you as story…there was a world MMA champion ones that the whole world respected…he has beaten every man he ever faced…there was no other to challenge him…and one day…while he was on holiday in Greece he got in a fight with a local man . The man beaten the champion like no other…what he didn t know about this stranger was that he was the true champion of the world for he was special forces.

Is this another story that you have proof of, but decline to provide it?

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making fun of me is not gonna get you anywhere

On the contrary, I enjoy making fun of people here on the forums as an end unto itself.


lol good for you…just don t make fun of me…engage in the convo respectfully or G T F O O H cause nobody would care about what you have to say

You are a troll. You disrespect these forums with your sophistry.

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  1. Sure you did buddy.
  2. So all your hysterics were for nothing. Embarrassing LOL.

You hitting that quafe hard huh?

Which MMA champion? What org? What weight class?

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