Mechanic or gameplay that is considered unfair gaming

Let’s just cut to the chase. Can i have your stuff?

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You can sue anybody you want, sure. The question isn’t whether you can, it’s whether there’s a reasonable chance of success on the merits, and I don’t see any here based on what you’re arguing. Given the hoops you’d have to go through - namely, getting an Icelandic attorney (good luck finding a good one that won’t be conflicted out with CCP, given how big they are on the island) and suing in Icelandic court - unless you’re a millionaire (which is unlikely, otherwise you wouldn’t care about losing a couple ships in abyssal deadspace) you’re going to be spending tens of thousands of dollars on what is essentially a waste of time.

You’d be better off leaving aside the legal threats and just making the argument about why you think this mechanic should be changed. So far, all I’ve seen is “it sucks cause I died,” but the rest of the folks in here are pointing out that this is one of the potentials that is always possible whenever you go into the abyss - it’s designed that way.


sure you can

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you mean like double boxing them or with friend? I did say i lost 2 jackdaws…what does that mean? use your brain

Have you read nothing i said so far?? it feels like i ve just been talking to a wall instead of brisc…open your eyes…maybe get a pair of glasses…borrow some brain to comprehend all i ve said then maybe you will understand what this is about…or maybe you don t want to

In any case… it seems to me that you are ignoring the whole picture


I am serious…some people here are ignoring the big picture or they just need some brain and some glasses…glasses so they can see better and brain so they can comprehend.

No, people are seeing the big picture that you are refusing to.

No friend, it is you that doesn’t want to ROFL.

Nope, that sums it up. You’re salty cause you died and you think throwing the word lawsuit around will help. And you aren’t even American :smiley:

I’ve read what you wrote. You seem to accept that there are rooms in the abyss that are designed that you can’t beat them. You also seem to think that the abyss should work differently than every other aspect of the game - expecting that your weapons don’t continue to cycle when you’ve killed a rat, for instance. And you’ve said over and over that every mechanic that you don’t like is “unfair” or “cheating.”

No one here except you agrees with you on any of these points. In addition, you’ve been wrong multiple times, as you’ve acknowledged, on other things you’ve said. So, perhaps, it’s not the rest of us who are unable to comprehend what you’re saying and it’s instead your unwillingness to accept that you hit two rooms where you were guaranteed to die and you did?

Yes, it sucks. It’s one of the reasons I don’t run high level abyssals anymore. But it’s not cheating - it’s the way the game’s designed.

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The problem with Brisc is that he is actually a lawyer or something, so he knows what he is talking about here. I agree, it is super-annoying.


If this was a case in the UK, it would probably
go something like this provided any solicitor actually took you seriously (they wouldn’t).

Prosecution: Napasik electronically signed a term of service for the product eve online that states he does not in fact own any single part of the product or any affiliated data. He does have the right to either use the product for free or pay for an expanded experience of the product. Any changes and all content therein are at the discretion of the owners.

Defense: I have absolutely no leg to stand on and cant believe i took this case.

Judge: Well i think that about wraps that up. Napasik is ordered to pay £1000 for wasting court time.

Something like that haha.

I don t accept…i acknowledge that they exist.

nope i don t you presume i do maybe

its not about me liking the mechanic or not…its about the way it is programmed…and it is programmed to work against the dps…as in slowing it down.

Everyone here that have been responding to this ITS NOT by far the eve community or abyssal runners…you are part of the imperium and i expect nothing less than you being against pve-ers…your coalition goes to high sec and gank defenceless miners…its in your organization s culture…you shouldn t even be part of the CSM. Beleive you me that if i do an honest survey about this going around in eve and asking 100 ordinary eve players…they will be on my side especially with the weapon cycle anomaly. I CAN T BELIEVE I AM DOING THIS OVER CHRISTMAS…LOL You have a nice holiday

Wut. I run the abyss all the time. I am an ordinary EVE player.

Huh. Wrong again. You’re likre 0-3 for right meow man.

Given how often we’ve heard the “Goons are all krabs,” I appreciate you thinking we don’t care about PVEers.

I also think you’ve got a serious misunderstanding of the player base if you think that most folks will 1) understand what you’re arguing and 2) agree with you. So far nobody in here has, and I don’t think the wider player base will either. As for me being on the CSM, lol ok.

For instance, your ‘weapons cycle anomaly” doesn’t exist. It’s how the game works. You try to complain about that to anybody else and they will mock you into oblivion.

Merry Christmas.

No true Scotsman would disagree with naPsak.