Mechanic or gameplay that is considered unfair gaming

I’m Canadian.

Just throwin that out there.



Y’see, this comment here is where you spotted what the mechanic is supposed to do.

There is a fit to beat that room. It loses to a different room.

So, it is not “100% death”, just the fit you use to run the rest of the rooms doesn’t work in that particular one.

Do any of the other rooms, prior to the ‘Room of Death’ that the OP speaks about, actually allow you to deploy a Mobile Depot for the sake of changing fittings then grab the Mobile Depot before the timer expires in said room that you are changing in, prior to the, ‘Room of Death’?

If true, then someone please post a video of deploying the Mobile Depot in the room prior to the, ‘Room of Death’, change fittings, scoop the Mobile Depot and exit the room prior to the timer reaching zero AND then defeat the, ‘Room of Death.’


No its not

So far in here 7 to 10 people or something like that been responding to this…so again ITS NOT by far the eve community…if at least 100 people got involved in the convo yes… but 10 people do not ever represent the whole community,s opinion

No you can t…MTU yes but not MD

You must be some argumentitive guy that just likes to argue whether you are right or wrong…or…we both know who you are…

  • whether


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right…we are at grammatical correction thread now

and what does „m„ mean? say what you mean…

I sign what I write, drives some folks crazy given that this is a forum and my name is right up there to the left. Yes, it was a bit pedantic to correct your spelling but for me it is almost reflex after 30 years of teaching.



Not capitalizing a proper name. Even worse that it is abbreviated. Pathetic.

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Oh? Who I am now :smiley:

It is tho :smiley:

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You are way too all over this thread like a G F

I never capitalise proper names…not to mention abbreviating everything

So you think I’m your GF? Thats weird.


Sounds a code gank incoming.

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I need to get some popcorn. That’s some high quality shitpost right there.


Well, you are wrong. Hilariously wrong.


I just couldnt read through all the 160 posts in here (this gotta be a bait/troll topic, right?), but what i don’t get is why the hell someone would think his/hers gameplay is optimal and should be guaranteed survival? T6 abyssal is pretty much endgame pve content. It should be dangerous. Guess what, maybe a blingy jackdaw simply is not an optimal way to run those sites??

I dunno if its funny or sad how somebody with straight face comes here and says its rigged, not understanding how RNG, procedural generation etc works. The person doesnt understand any of that technical mumbo jambo, but he/she ARE CERTAIN ITS RIGGED TO LOSE SHIPS, roflmao!

P.s. i lolled so hard about the lawsuits. Thats the most idiotic thing i have heard recently.