Mechanic or gameplay that is considered unfair gaming

Definitely funny.

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Oh but you should, it’s entertaining. :slight_smile:


like a good fight

Even Brisc agrees with beeing able to sue CCP…and from what i understand he is a lawyer or used to be

by law you can sue anybody you want you I…

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ok Karen

Yeah…but that’s not all he said…sure you can, but it would be very difficult and expensive and you don’t have much of a case at all. Maybe you can find an Icelandic Lionel Hutz, though.!

The Triglavians are going to sue naPasik for trespassing.

You fight with your GF?

Explains things.

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OK Shelden…


Its ok bruv. Least I didn’t make the most embarrassing forum post in a while :smiley:


Its almost like thats the point, there aren’t supposed to be ships that can fight literally anything that gets thrown at them, its called rock paper scissors for a reason

Sure, you “can” but being able to sue and being able to win are two extremely different things

Welcome to the kobayashi maru.

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Yeah sue them for making the game about skill and understanding of game mechanics and not about endless self-gratification.

“Your honor, I demand those Marshals to be nerfed so I can have and endless flow of isk in my pockets.”


Or at least enable IDDQD, IDKFA and IDSPISPOPD once a week?

There should be when the only way to enter the T6 dark sites is by the most expensive fits you can imagine…or at least delay the death spawns till you made some isk to cover your spending not like it happened to me on day two

There is nothing about skill in a death spawn

Very true

The biggest embarrassment here is you…you have no idea how to engage in a conversation and be respectful. all you do here is spread your poisonous words of trolling

Is this the room you are talking about?