[MERC] Vendetta Mercenary Group

more like stay safe and hire some one else. We all know VMG will use that money to hire more blues

There are no pvp players left in VMG. Why are you still advertising your “merc services” ?

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Natural doesn’t fly without pirat aid he can’t complete contracts without aid from pirat, wholesale, or wrecking machine. Save your isk or you’ll be scammed by Natural Clonescammer.

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sad that all you are able to do at this point is post pictures. Any one looking to hire these plebs save it and hire who they will hire.

Ahahahaha instead of bringing his main to stop us from bashing more of your clients Poco’s he tries to gank us, and fails. absolutely miserably. If anthro has any hope of killing me to prove to his daddy khrom that he can lead anything (even though there is no US TZ) he needs to try a lot harder

Just going to leave this nice sound cloud of Mr. Anthro trying to hire help against marmite for their own clients poco’s. Actual proof that VMG cannot take care of their clients on their own, How absolutely PATHETIC…

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Well i mean… If Naturals the one teaching him how to gank we all know how good at ganking he is.



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“How unfair you guys didnt bring anyships i could gank with my catalyst” -Anthrobeau


Flag all you want but its on topic, Im trying to save your clients money from being scammed

Anthro really bit this one didn’t he? Literally running to an alliance he used to run with and wanting to hire others to do vmg’s contractual obligations to a top paying client, obviously they’ve scammed this client.

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I 100% agree VMG do hire true mercenaries nice one Natural :rofl:


I’m not sure if Omega still pay VMG or if VMG pay Omega these days, as Omega shows up to help save VMG structures in Niyabainen.

When only 1 of your blues show for a timer and you turn to your clients for help, VMG 2018.


Funny how Antro brags how awesome VMG is and how easy they can counter Marmite. First of all, VMG needs to ask another alliances for help and they’re losing pocos every day. Think we killed about 40-50 so far. Maybe they forgot we were also part of the campaign who killed about 185 PIRAT pocos, TWICE! Once their client realises he is betting on the wrong horse, he’ll accept our deal. If not we’ll kill them all. Just like we disbanded their other protection program Fly Fearless and after Omega, we’ll focus more on their other two protection programs Khanid - Industries and Eleven Sign Networks.

I hope that at a certain point VMG realises we own them and try to send us the right surrender amount of isks.

Rule number one is Eve : Never piss off Marmites and friends … :smirk:

Ps. Space Patatoos are friends of Marmites. ( I can hear the OOPPPSS from Antro now)

Or gnomes, At this point I have to remember fondly khrom daring us to kick his sand castle, Yet he doesnt even play long enough to see the after math. Bragged about how he was the only person in the US timezone and the leader, didnt even mention anthro, Yet just like anthro he is non existent in the US timezone. From the members that have left they have all told me he has basically checked out of VMG.

Also the reason he or natural do not care about how his members feel about doing structures and blatantly refuse to stop is because any leadership member who accepts a contract takes a kick back on it, And since khrom and Natural are the only people basically allowed to accept contracts (yes anthro may be listed but as khrom said the merc channel is dead, mainly because they double dip on contracts and dont even deny it) they are the only ones who make real isk from all of these bashes.

Basically khrom is right, his members are rattlesnake drones making him and natural hundreds of bill each. At this point their greed has gotten so bad khrom is willing to railroad his own alliance in the ground with structure crap just to make himself more money, Absolutely disgusting individual.


‘Getting a hold of anyone from VMG can be very difficult at times’ I wonder why? Nobody is logged in.


Yea the only really active group in marmite… Wait a minute I mean vmg is the reclaimers… But they only seem interested in killing transport interceptors from brave.

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Agil camping elite group