Saeger I have no idea who these people are and you are presuptious with thinking I do or can influence or say anything to them.
Then why bother posting Mr.Cabbage
Oh dear the intelligence level in this post dropped three fold lol.
Especially when you post on your alt and get caught
Do you dig holes for a living Saeger as you have dug a big one for yourself tonight!
I post on my main I don’t need to hide, but I think your too scared to be yourself
This is my main lol
you didn’t read 1000 posts in 4 mins before you posted
You assume too much and are influenced by previous posts, Notice Cardinal has stopped posting? That might be a clue!
Duh! you can read the forum befor posting! damn are you that subnormal?
I call forth our pope to judge this liar with impunity, may Gary have mercy on your soul
Thank you for the confirmation.
I will post it again and see if anybody who is not annoyed by it like Saeger and Cardinal, They obviously recognised themselves in the post.
Having read some/most (which was painfull) of the posts here and watching it seems to me that all parties need to leave the playground and grow up as you sound like infantile children crying over spilt milk, Just remember if you put in as much effort into your real life as the whinging on here you just might do ok!
Pixel spaceships lol
It’s really akward that VMG has to make alts to post on, in hopes that they wont get roasted 10 seconds after posting
Your comment is or was that it?
I have never been in VMG and I am not a VMG alt.
Paranoio in a pixel spaceship game lol
If you say so savoy, infact im pretty sure its savoy either that or Anthro, both like to use alts to try and pvp us be it forums or in game, you know, cus their daddy khrom will be furious if they died to us in game C:
Actually you are totally wrong but I understand you are caught up in this paranoia, I am an Alpha independant and made a comment to test the theory of what the previous posts pointed to and I have to say I am happy to confirm I was right!
At this point you’re ability to troll is almost worse than your ability to PVP, and that is saying A LOT because savoy and anthro are trash lol
I have no idea who you speak of or what they are good or bad at, As a social experiment you ticked all the boxes.
What ever you need to tell yourself, FYI we are still all laughing at VMG for running from marmite and now using alts to talk on the forums, Do you guys have any self respect left at all?
M8 you need Gary