I have hesitated to report previously of the O-V Broadcasting Center being reinforced as well, them being in what may as well be the middle of a war zone and all. I will continue to monitor and redeploy them as necessary and have set up a backup center as well. If you need any assistance with maintaining the Broadcast Center network please feel free to contact me via your preferred method.
Assuming there was an intermittent and far from reliable / confirmed contact to foreign forces stranded on Kahah by the orbital siege, would you have means and interest to see if any of their reports can be put into a story form for general distribution?
Please feel free to send me evemail for further details.
Elsebeth Rhiannon
Capsuleer humanitarian support / SoE Roughriders
I will be in touch. Any information regarding the situation on the ground is absolutely invaluable. I am still combing through the interviews provided to me by Miss Teinyhr and preparing a report on Kahah from perspectives both before and after “Operation Starfall” would be a priority.
Have you recieved reports from Queen Zidarez about the situation on the ground?
It seems certain warmongers were trying to spread disinformation about the real state of affairs on the surface in order to provoke even greater violence, that even culminated in Ushra’Khan’s terror attack against Khanid and CONCORD.
I believe that your broadcasting network can do all our cluster a great service by transmitting official statistic of casualties to battle warmonger’s rhetoric of “billions dead”. Shedding light in positive colors on the situation in the Kingdom will greatly help us to de-escalate the conflict and prevent further casualties.
I hope your network will become an invaluable tool in saving people lives endangered by these criminal exaggerations.
I thank you for your insights but respectfully reaffirm that the mission of the “Tales of Kahah” Broadcast Service is to share personal stories of those affected by the tragedy of the system of Kahah. Unfortunately, “official” statistics and statistics in general are merely numbers within which these personal stories are lost and silenced. We strive to bring a voice to these people on all sides of the conflict, whether they are provided directly by those who reached MHE’s humanitarian aid colonies in the early days of the conflict, those who await stability aboard MHE’s Safe Haven freighter, or are provided to us by third parties.
We thank you for your interest,
Viverina Cielvods
Edit: Please forgive me for not answering your initial question. No, we have not received an official statement from Queen Zidarez outside of what has been publicly disseminated.
Then I really recommend you to look it up here. Queen Zidarez herself was caught in the events and her position definitely fits in as a personal story. Besides, I repeat, showing the situation as it was will help fight those warmongering propagandists, who are trying to ignite fights by exaggerating civilian casualties in the system.
While exaggerations are possible, I am unsure as to whom Queen Zidarez is referring to when she mentions casualties on the surface. During the engagement over Kahah III, Khanid representatives referred to loss of Khanid soldiers and citizens as casualties, and the loss of slave lives as “property damage.”
I would be interested in knowing how much “property damage” was incurred, and how much of it was incurred at Khanid hands.
“Property damage” was in the millions. I am unsure of exact numbers; yet, I know the vast majority of that damage was inflicted by security forces to reduce the potential of being overwhelmed by Deathglow mad slaves. The absolute slaughter of those on the ground was anything but restrained. It was something akin to mass Blooder ritual.