Mike Azariah for CSM 14

That seems a totally reasonable thing to ask for. So, yes, I would take that request forward, or ask what happened last time that it was brought up.


Speaking of highsec, can you ask CCP to reduce the amount of oppressing force that they call Forward Operating Bases?

Turns out Blood Raider like to spam more FOBs in space than the community spammed citadels like there is no tomorrow.

Let us get me elected first. THEN I will get the big red book out and start making my list of things to ask CCP.

Out of curiousity though, have FOB and Trig incursions had any overlap? and if so haver the trigs started hitting the FOB?


Sure no worries. I am as usual ahead of time and getting way ahead.

I don’t know if triglavians and Blood Raider have met or not. When I logged on TQ on Sunday, I looked at that new agency window and saw 6 Blood Raider FOBs around Amarr, being around 2-3 jump away.

The closest invasion was 19 jumps away at the time.

Anyhow, after trying to deal with those Blood Raiders myself, I found out that it is very pointless to try to fight a sleepless machine with infinite resources with the one goal to punish you from undocking.
I used to be a solo and very small gang pvper but if I get punished for trying to fund my evil pvp habits, I don’t see a point in logging on in the first place.

If or when the systems or constellations around Amarr get invaded or not would even more deter me from doing anything but check some price tags and log of again.

I find 6 FOBs around Amarr a few too many when you actively have to look for a Guristas one in Caldari or Gallente space.

Flying around trying to scoop up Trig loot and salvage during a Trig vs. FOB encounter where both are hostile to you might become the most thrill introducing content CCP has ever introduced.

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I removed three FOB’s around Amarr, one on Saturday and two on Monday. It is fun content. People are just so negative.

I am not updating any killboards, but this should give people the idea that people are doing this. I have been involved in blowing up 10 in total. People are doing and enjoying this content.

Also people are grouping up to do it too, great stuff.

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Hey Mike, thanks for the chance to sit down and interview you!

My apologies for the minor editing error at 2:37 that leaves in a fragment of Vily’s voice - I’ve been rushing to try and get these out before the election starts! Don’t want to leave anyone who’s take the time to talk to me out :slight_smile:


Mike gave me a ship as part of his magic school bus when I was just starting out and, in all honesty, it was at a point where I wondered what the point of this game was as I’d been told to do all the career agents in the 3 locations in Gallente space. Naturally, at that point, I hated the game and found the PvE mechanics that I had been faced with very boring.

He gave me an Algos, gave me encouragement to seek out other playstyles and helped with a lot of queries I had. Although I didn’t end up blowing up that Algos or blowing anyone up with it, it allowed me to do the SoE epic arc, get enough cash for a bunch of Cats and join CODE.

Whilst I may not play in the manner that many of you like - perhaps even Mike himself - he clearly doesn’t have a bias against any playstyle as long as it encourages newer players to stay with the game.

Thanks Mike.


You are very welcome as is anyone who partakes of the Bus.

And no, I do not judge what a person is going to do with it, my only hope is that they find THEIR fun in the game. To paraphrase what I said at Eve Vegas, Eve is like sex, what I enjoy and what you enjoy may be two entirely different things. ((Please try not to stretch that metaphor too much))





Voted for you Mike, good luck.


An unexpected turn of phrase, but most people who were going to vote Mike were probably going to vote Mike. As I did. :slight_smile:

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We are on the last day of voting. To everyone who did vote for me? Thank you

If you didn’t and you are reading this thread still? Why?

Either way, I hope you did vote and took part in this weird game democracy and advocacy.

No matter how the vote comes out? Thank you all.



Well the results are out and once again. . . Thank you and good luck to those who won.


perhaps next year



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Thank YOU.

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