Military Veterans Community

o7 Space friends I’m J McClain I started a Military Veterans Community group in game called Best of Us.

The objective is to have a community of fellow military veterans that you can engage with and feel like you have a place where you belong with peeps from all around the world. Having this group there is meant to reinforce your social support network and be there if you have some stuff you might be dealing with.

It’s been running for a few years and I can say I honestly have gotten a lot out of it personally.
I even did a talk about how it has helped me at Eve Vegas last year. Check it out here

Ok so how do you get connected ? Ok prepare for all of the links

In game channel is - Best of Us

Community Site - There is some writing I’ve done about Vet issues etc. on The Experience part of the site

Come join us on our awesome Discord Server

We have a Facebook group if you’re into that kinda thing where we can all make fun of each other as well

When I’m not being a lazy ass I get really cool peeps to take us out on npsi fleets and we always do something on the weekend of Veterans day in the states.

Hopefully this thread sticks around so peeps know where to find us. Be sure to let me know if any of the links don’t work since I’m a bad.

Questions etc. hit me up here on the forums or you can eve mail me in game or if Twitter is your game I got that too

o7 Space friends


That’s pretty cool! I watched your presentation video. Good stuff! I wondered about the name and I appreciate you explaining that. Well done there guy! :+1:

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Thanks bud I appreciate it!