Mining in Missions

Yes, missions have different asteroids produced based on region; but it doesn’t look like they were touched by the recent patch to asteroid distribution, so mission mining remains in the same condition now as in March, which makes it potentially more viable (especially for things like the Career Agent missions).

Some missions have retained asteroid types no longer available in HS, but they are much smaller than those found in the belts and are located behind the obstacle of much stronger and more numerous enemy ships. It is faster to speed run missions and use the isk/LP to buy the needed minerals or gun mine for many of the minerals than it is to either clear the mission with a combat ship and return with a barge or use a battlebarge/Orca to attempt both at the same time.

I guess you could consider the changes a backdoor buff to missioning since minerals no longer generated in large qualities in HS can be found in some missions, even if it is in such small quantities and more involved gameplay that likely precludes it from widespread industrial use.

It does provide additional opportunities for mission runners partnered with miners for fleet/corp activity - mission runners clear the mission site of enemies, call in the miners, and move on to the next mission while the miners clean up.

Small gangs lamenting the need to cross sec status zones should be reminded of this opportunity, since it suits small gang mechanics.

It’s also difficult for Code to find the site you are mining and also the pirate base rats which are
kind of a bit difficult for a miner to fight.

Are you sure?

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You can pretty much ignore 90% of anything Solstice says. He’s a bitter poster, disillusioned about life, who automatically assumes everyone else is a deceitful, money-grabbing a55h0le unless they talk and play pretty much like he does. I guess even Europe has to have their rednecks.

The actual problem is that CCP developed a poorly-designed ‘PvP’ game that doesn’t really encourage combat PvP, and makes PvP overall fairly expensive for players to participate in. They’ve also cranked up the wealth building over the years (Null, krabbing, Rorq farming etc) in order to encourage people to go to Null and farm their faces off because that’s where the ISK is and that’s where CCP rakes in their subscriptions.

The problems with the game have almost nothing to do with “greedy people” and almost entirely to do with bad game design on CCP’s part. ISK farming is simply the thing people turn to in order to feel productive because CCP hasn’t a clue how to build decent levels of PvP into the game design.

Even self-avowed ‘PvP’ enthusiasts like Solstice end up cowering in high sec, hiding behind Concord’s skirts while waiting for an easy kill to come along. Some of them even end up endlessly patting themselves on the back for being smarter and better than everyone else in the game because they sit in safe space and kill a weak target when it appears.

The losers who pretend “carebears and farmers” are the problem while they themselves sit safely in high sec ganking easy targets are considerably worse for the game than farming is. Farming and too much resources can be corrected over time. Long term attitudes among the gaming population about the type of player base that EVE has are much harder to correct.


Misconceptions within the player base too, it seems.

GOOD SIR!!! Oh my my my

Ridiculous! You’re so right! can’t be above 90-92%

The truth about Eve is isk only buys more Eve there’s no such thing as care bears every player is building capacity to create machines of war it is the only commodity in the Eve universe

Yes I am

Why is that?

I fear you may be overlooking a couple things.

I said difficult not impossible

Yes, and whats difficult about it?

You can’t just randomly fly through in a catalyst and gank the first miner you find

Are you suggesting that it is difficult to outsmart Code tactics ? that they don’t just go for easy kills and loot piniatas or something ?

No, Im suggesting hiding in a mission isnt really hiding.

Im also suggesting that you may have over looked a few things. But if you wont say why you think it makes it more difficult, I cant exactly help you make it more so.

Because scanning ships with combat probes is not an easy gank you have to go and get your scanning ship and once you have done all that he warps off because he saw you coming 20 minutes ago.

OK well if you think it takes this long to probe down a mission-runner/salvager/mining barge, you may need some help operating your scan machine.

And doesnt complete the mining op then, I assume?

Depends really, I mean can Code actually even win a fight if you are not AFK ?

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Depends what your objective is whether they disrupt you or not, regardless.

BTW They referring to any interlopers into your mission, CODE. are not every Ninja or Baiter