Mining in Missions

I am permanently at war so it’s not just gankers that would love to shoot my barge.
I don’t think I have closed dscan since 2014

They are gone from The Blockade

Yes the asteroids are Gone from Gone Berserk

Not level 1 and 2. And they still trigger the damage beacons at the end of every harvester module cycle.

I don’t know what that means

What’s a damage beacon ?

Only if they don’t have Combat Probes. And some of the missions generate a jamming field which means no one can get in on you.

Ironic if Code is complaining.

I havent seen any CODE. people complaining.

And why would it be ironic?

It would be a bit hard to scan someone down without combat probes, and to do this with the “field” active would mean keeping the mission open after youd finished it just to do the mining, which most people would see no sense in.

Yes you leave the mission open and mine the roids then complete the mission after the roids are all gone

The point is the same as the point in any mining

So not handing in till well after the bonus is gone for a few crumbs of veld?

Sounds pointless to me, especially as it seems moot now these are being removed, according to some observers.

What mission has got a bonus time that isn’t 3x as long as it takes to do it solo ?

You tell me, your the one wanting to mine in missions for some reason.

Are you using your Main or your salvager to do this mining?

What is this about anyway? I thought you did it to feel super safe from bad people or something?

That’s just a code fantasy

Er okay

Dunno which bit you are referring to, not sure Ive seen any CODEies even mention mission mining but whatevs

The fantasy that care bears and miners are scared of gankers. Did you read the part where I mentioned the danger from NPC’s ? or were you too busy thinking everything is about avoiding PVP ?

Also did you read the part about how ganking only works against the AFK so if it wasn’t for the fact they only attack once in a blue moon miners would be ready for them.

You started this a week ago by saying

I dont see anything by either of us about whether miners are scared of gankers or not, so I dont see why you felt the need to say this (the first quote).

Which applies to NPCs that could threaten mining in belts too.

I just dunno what point you are trying to make, and I think you have simply replied to a week-old comment because you are bored and looking for an argument.

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Except NPC’s are more frequent which is why I used words that mean something

Next time try words that are relevent to the point youd like to make.

I’m happy with the words I used to answer the question why does anyone mine missions ? I don’t actually know anyone that mines missions so maybe they have a different answer but so far my response is 100% of the people who mine missions. Therefore until someone contradicts what I said about it.

Cargo Delivery still has asteroids

Crumbs? Hardly.

I understand that you probably don’t want to waste the time to get the exact amounts, and eve survival doesn’t really detail exact amounts that often, but there are missions of all levels that have substantial amounts of ore in them for a small corp to mine out.

Someone with 2 accounts can run a mission, find one with rocks, then park a drone mining Orca in it while they continue to run more missions.

I disagree that CODE is lazy when it comes to ganking miners who do mission mining, I think it’s just the issue of getting to them. Some mining spots are a few gates deep into the mission, some are a single pocket, but the rocks are 99km from the warp in beacon, etc. Much as I can’t stand them, they do have an appreciation for efficiency.

With that said, I wish they’d beef up the variety and ore types within missions. It is currently only “worth it” if you have multiple accounts (or want to take the risk of afk mining one). Then again, missions need to be overhauled completely, and there have been years of suggestions on how to fix the problems and provide variety etc.

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