Also, now that you have admitted that you’re just whining about AFK cloaking and have nothing to say on the subject of mining, here is the trash can for AFK cloaking whines: Main AFK cloaky thread
Please use it and avoid cluttering up the forum.
Also, now that you have admitted that you’re just whining about AFK cloaking and have nothing to say on the subject of mining, here is the trash can for AFK cloaking whines: Main AFK cloaky thread
Please use it and avoid cluttering up the forum.
Guess what: the only reason anyone bothers AFK camping is because of local. If you want to remove AFK camping then you have to remove local as well. And then we’ll just see more whining about how goons are more successful because they can bring a bigger fleet than you and you still can’t win.
And are you going to offer a “solution” to goons existing or are you just going to whine and cry about how successful they are?
I did. Counter to cloaking. also Drifter camping delve untill goons have lost tons of crap.
++Victim mentality++ , a good read on wikipedia. Fits perfectly.
Nerfing cloaking is not going to change the fact that they out-number you, have more skill, have more organization, and are generally just better at EVE than you are. It will just make it easier for RMT botters and renter trash to have zero-risk farming.
Which is such a profoundly stupid idea that I’m surprised you were willing to say it in public.
Goons was introuble for RMT’ing
I dont care. This game is DIEING. it wont last another 5 years. What happends when cancer spreads to the body? Do you talk with the cancer cells and try to balance it out? Or do you kill it to save the host before its over? Goons have done this to TONS of other MMo’s.
Uh, right, whatever, you just have fun living in your delusional world where CCP is going to mass-ban thousands of paying customers for being too successful or punish them with having NPCs wreck all of their stuff.
Why not a fleet dps cap? How about when x amount of numbers are on the field, that ships dps is capped so you cant just add 2000 of them and instantly win?
Because then people will just bring multiple fleets with X number of ships and coordinate them over third-party voice comms. Seriously, do you even bother to think about your ideas before posting them?
How about a limit to the client per IP/MAC address? And i mean a GRID nerf. When 20 titans are on the field, the field will cap the dps of that ship so no more can add to the dps pool. And when an more titans warp in, the dps is evenly distrubuted to every titan on grid effectivly nerfing themselfs with every titan that shows up.
CCP is not going to ban people from paying for multiple accounts, especially when they have run so many marketing campaigns encouraging players to pay for multiple accounts. That would be an incredibly stupid thing for a for-profit business to do.
And goons would still win, because goons have a ton of well-organized players and will still beat you with superior numbers.
Oh, you mean I can bring multiple alts to nerf the DPS of the enemy fleet? Sounds like a great idea.
Ok, so just so im clear, you think the CURRENT model of eve is ok?
It’s better than one where CCP kills their own revenue by removing multiple subscriptions.
Yes but you will also nerf YOUR ships to. CCP has already done this with DPS caps on sov structures.
It still gives an advantage to the side with more ships. Let’s say you have a cap of 10 ships, each of them doing 100 dps by default. At 5 ships each we are equal at 500 dps per side and use up the entire cap. If I bring 5 more ships we now have 66.66 dps per ship, but because I have twice your numbers I have 666.66 dps against your 333.33 dps. IOW, I still have incentive to bring more ships because each ship I bring means that more of the total dps pool is going to my side.
So, I ask again: do you even bother to think about your ideas before you post them?
K. Your right. This system works. Everything fine. Im a bitch crybaby and im wrong. NVM about all the devs bailing on ccp and community managers leaving. Carry on. Ill see u in the next space mmo and we can pick up where we left off when this 1 shuts down.