I think it would be cool to have an event each quarter, one for each empire, a mining Olympics. Instead of a hard start, the event would begin with an exploration sites spawning that would contain ‘golden’ tickets for one of two national teams. You could redeem them or put them up for sale. Once enough tickets have been redeemed to fill the two teams the event would kick off and in a handful of systems would spawn two opposing npc refinery stations and start spawning ore sites containing two types of ore. In order to enter the station and the sites you would have to use a ticket to join a team (kind of like like faction warfare), each with their own ore ‘colour’, and then your team would go madly forth either to mine your ore or deny opposing ore by using destructive crystals. You would need to bring the ore to the refinery to score it so waste management would be important. Perhaps screens showing tallies and total available ore ticking down so people could root for their favorite. The team with the most collected ore over the timer (maybe a week or so) would win and get a nice medal etc. If you win in all 4 national events you get a fancier medal. I imagine this in high security systems but maybe there would be a black market pirate edition.
Maybe you bet on the events or could buy team shirts and hats.
Hi, @Jae_Dahler I like the idea except you’re forgetting one thing: war.
New Eden is in constant war, from Hi-sec gankers to Low-sec hunters to Null-sec partisan-warriors.
In the Greek times of the Olympics games, the Greek city-states agreed to set aside their differences during the games and it was forbidden to kill a rival while the games were on.
It won’t work like that in EVE… I guess what I’m saying is, we can’t have Olympics-style games in the middle of a battlefield.
Well not with that attitude you can’t! A little corporate sponsorship, some ISK to the right influencers and Bob’s your lump-knuckle. Besides gankers and war wishers would have to somehow fit out a mining ship for combat and get a team spot to even enter the sites - virtually impossible I’d think!
I’m assuming there’s going to be some kind of acceleration gate restricted to mining vessels you need to take into this event site?
If so, there’ll be enough catalysts to blot out the sun sitting on it during your proposed event.
Some of them will probably be mine.
If there is no gate, expect a constant stream of gank squads, either opportunistic gankers or sponsored by both sides.
ventures with blasters and drones
Oooh, i like it!
Getting tickets wouldn’t be a problem for this. The salt would be worth it. As to “somehow fit…” were you not here for the winter event?
VIRTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE! why I expect it would almost never happen…
It’s far from virtually impossible. It was very common in this event alone