Mining on the cheap (hauler / venture combo)

This is catastrophically horrible advice. Mining frigates should not be used for general purpose mining outside of guerilla mining ABC(D) ores and gas extraction (and maybe “in-a-punch” resource harvesting for industry - presumably to manufacture an actual barge with which to harvest resources properly). Using a mining frig for general purpose mining is one of the absolute worst ways to generate wealth in the game, and advising anyone, let alone writing a guide for it, on how to general purpose mine in a mining frigate is a great disservice to those who follow that advice. (Plus, if you happen to be mining ABCD ores, then you’re in nullsec you shouldn’t be using a Miasmos - you should opt for the substantially tankier and agile Porpoise instead, and if you’re extracting gas, you won’t benefit from one at all.)

Mining with anchored cargo containers is largely a thing of the past (esp. for common rocks that aren’t worth “protecting”), and even back then it wasn’t all that great. Instead of coming up with ■■■■■■■■ set ups like this, the best thing you can possibly do - especially in an endeavor that is barely possible in even the highest end of setups (and completely and totally craptastic, the absolute worst thing you can possibly do in the game, in low end setups) - is to have fleetmates, which isn’t hard to come by because EVE is an MMO and goals are better accomplished in collaboration with others. You don’t need to be in a large corp or alliance to make friends with others and form fleets or just band together with others already mining in system.

Venture Hisec mining makes less than running L1/L2 security missions (after accounting for bounties and LP and loot), so this is… stupid. At least that’s (more) fun. And for sure you can make orders of magnitude more money doing exploration in a 2m frigate or doing Project Discovery (45m + numerous rewards every hour if you get good at it), and a Miasmos or anchored containers or upgrading to a Prospect or Endurance isn’t going to make that much of a difference. The numbers don’t add up. If you’re going to mine, mine properly: mining frigates and the Miasmos are excellent for what they’re intended for (Venture is good for guerilla mining ABCD ores and gas harvesting, Miasmos is good for hauling uncompressed low-value ores in fleet setups, Prospect and Endurance have narrow uses in which they outperform barges but are likewise outperformed by barges in other areas) - outside of that, they’re trash, and writing a guide to encourage others to use them in shittastic ways is a disservice to anyone who follows that advice.