Yes because it is NOT only the cost for omega on 10 accounts u need to finance, you ALSO need to finance 10x Orcas+Fit PLUS 10x the skillpoints on ALL the accounts.
The cost for running all this bullsht is ridicously high and the profit marging is a JOKE, why the fck would you even consider doing it ?!?
So yes, it is ONLY the montly cost you were talking about.
Because you are dumb !!!
Instead of saying “ok this activity is not viable anymore, let’s see what else I can do instead”, you keep crying here about how the changes affected you in the ■■■■■■■ EXPECTED WAY
And instead of admitting to that, BECAUSE IT IS INDEED DEAD, some genius came up with
“just do 10x orcas and finance it for free via skill farms.”
Whcih as shown above, does not work out and goes against the ENTIRE appeal of semi afk orca mining.
So you show nothing, but your inability to read. Again, no brain, no pain.
It’s not. You can still solo orca mine. However semi AFK has never been defined so you add words that make your sentence ambiguous, therefore nonsensical ( aka stupidity)
I won’t make any effort for a whinning kid - besides slapping your butt and telling your moma you should learn to behave.
You, on the other hand, cannot bear with the complexity of reality and need to make over-generalilzation, like “solo orca mining is dead”. The reality, is that people who have alts, have skills farms, so the price to plex them is basically nothing.
You have been told by several different people to try playing the game in new ways.
You’ve lashed out at me being “an unpleasant person” when you could re-read our entire interaction and see my responses as taking your words earnestly at face value and merely reflecting them upon you and genuinely trying to understand your viewpoint. And now you are literally wishing death upon another player in the community.
I don’t know what you expected. To waltz in here and expect a chorus of people to say to you “hell yea bro ur totally right” or “dude I know CCP friggin sucks” or “yeah just like you im quitting too”? Why are you still here?
You are the toxic one here, twisting a well-known saying around and wishing actual death to other human beings. Please make good on your earlier promise to quit the game. We don’t need real-life violent types in the community.
I was talking about your gameplay specifically, as this is a forum about a video game.
You can put insults and caps and bold as you want, won’t change that fact : I told you that your gameplay was dead, and you specifically told ME to die.
FYI this comes from Darwin’s theories, where species (that is a set of shared traits among individuals) would die unless they are able to adapt to their ever-evolving environment. The individuals, they always die, that’s the definition of life.
It does not. The entire point of the afk orca was because it was so easily scalable. This scalability was provided by the MASSIVELY reduced amount of isk needed to plex accounts because of skill point farming. As i said before, SP farming can cause your omega to cost either nothing, or something. It fluctuates with the market of extractors, LSI and plex.
Yes, I use to run 4-6 orcas before the changes. Now I run covetors, hulks and soon mackinaws.
You tab over once you hear “asteroid depleted” and reassign then tab out. 2 clicks per 5-10 minutes can basically be considered AFK.
Also as for your drone aggro. I would bug report that because I am currently mining right now and I deployed drones when rats showed up. Did NOT lock the rat and the drones automatically engaged the rat when it aggressed me.
You really think managing 50 drones +10 Orcas on 10 different clients can be done AFK?
I’LL bet my *** u have higher APM needed for 10x orcas multiboxing than u have doing solo T4s in most likely whatever. So the appeal of doing it SEMI afk is gone. And thats the whole point.
Multiboxing 10 Orcas with 50 drones at once is everything but “away from keyboard”.
If anything u get away with quickly picking a drink out the fridge but even for that u will most likely loose out on some of the 50 drones cycling all at once.
lets be correct here, just after i showed u the numbers you said
and again again:
it is 300-400 mil per account so 3-4 billion for 10 accounts plus at least 25 bil for the orcas and fits themself and then another ridicolous sum for all the Skillpoints on top.
So were talking a double digit billion investment upfront, then the skillpoints on top and then making negative isk since ur 10x omega does not finance itself with skillfarms like you initially claimed.
Good for you and thanks god you dont run 10 orcas LOL.
But now try to get into perspective of people who have a life outside eve and dont multibox a quadrillion accounts for years, people like me who had 1 orca on 1 account which they worked like an entire year for to get it running. You know there are players who only played for a couple thousand hours, not their entire life like you. You know there are people who dont cash couple hundred dollars every month into plex. You know there are normal people.
Cant you understand why those people are a bit pissed?
and telling them: “just pay2win urself 10 accounts, adapt or die” leads into:
“and thats what im going to do in the future: just dock and never do mining again.”
y ppl indeed quit the activity or worse the game.
Because they can’t farm a plex in a month ? Sure we do. So what ? Am I complaining that I can’t farm a plex a month while doing an inefficient activity ? No ! Because I’m not dumb !
That is because it can vary greatly. I have both made a profit and lost 300-400mil on SP farms. Regardless of that fact, it reduces the cost for a person to plex an account.
300-400mil is a lot better than 1.2-1.3b or whatever 500 plex cost.
At this moment in the game SP farming is not something you can do solely to plex an account. Has it been before? Yes. Will it be again? Depends on the market.
It really is not that difficult, especially with the increased rock volume size. Now if you pick a belt that is constantly mined and the rocks have been depleted then yes, you will need more APM, but if you are smart about it and know what you are doing, then APM is extremely low.
I do have a life out side of eve I am 24yrs old and have been playing since 2016. Just under half my life. Have I dedicated a lot of time to the game? Yeah, but I don’t no-life this game. I do plenty of other things such as work full time, play sports and workout. Don’t assume that I spend every waking moment playing eve.
Funny since you do not know a single thing about me.
Eve is an ever changing game. If you don’t change with it you will “die”.