Mining wastage is a bad idea

They were. Plenty of people have scaled up AFK orcas and ran massive fleets of them to mine ice belts, and ore anomolies/belts. The old mass of afk orcas hurts the small fry who actually tries to mine in his little venture or barge. The changes have now more or less balanced that. People were just not vocal about it because there wasn’t much that could be done.

I don’t think you understand how skill farming works. Yes the upfront cost is high, but once it is started you spend maybe 100-200mil a month on plex per account for omega (depends on the market) hell at one point it was actually profitable to skill farm.

It is not “dead” it is just much less viable. T1 drones are still a thing and you don’t have to run a core. You can still afk mine and make your afk isk, you just no longer get your 10mil/hr afk.

Plenty of stuff has come out in the past 2 years. Between the trig invasion, buffs to mining ships, on field compression, buffs to battleships, you just don’t acknowledge them because your afk orca mining has been nerfed.

Nothing of value has been lost with you no longer playing the game.
o7 don’t come back your afk orca will not be missed :slight_smile:

y trig invasion was the last one, when was that?
The third chapter came out in May 2020 - lmfao.
im not sure how u consider balancing patches “content” tho

so its not profitable right?
show me the setup u need to finance ur omega by doing nothing.
there were ppl claiming they can create isk out of thin air back in the days too, somehow they never could show how they do it.

What, exactly, is the kind of “eve content” that you would “engage more with” while mining AFK and watching Netflix? A 1-button-press undock-mine-dropoff-at-station-repeat macro? Being able to accrue ore without logging in?

Did i ever said its the only exclusive thing i did in eve? dont play stupid please

No, but you’re not complaining about those nebulous other things. You’re specifically complaining about AFK mining in an orca, and actively declaring that is why you’re not interested in returning.

Please dont play stupid, either.

yeah because there is no new content since trig invasion back in may 2020.

instead they spend all that time to screw miners, what u expect me to say “good job” or what?

and no changing battleship numbers is no new content.

The cold harsh universe of Eve Online expects everyone to adapt.

My expectations are irrelevant.

thats what makes ppl leave this game for good, cya.

It creates content by encouraging people to go out and test/run new things. Like the new battleship buff is suppose to encourage more battleship fights.

Skill farming is dependent on the plex and injector market.
You need to buy 4 skill extractors, usually 300mil isk, convert those in to large skill injectors (LSI) and then sell them. Typically 500 plex cost 1.1-1.3bil isk. Large skill injectors sell for 600mil isk roughly. SO, 4 LSI sold at 600mil a piece nets you 2.4Bil isk.
You take your 2.4B you made, subtract the 1.2B needed for the extractors, then subtract the plex cost of 1.2b and you are at roughly net 0 for 1 month of omega. Some times you make isk, some times you lose isk.
Not rocket science.

but its 1.25 bil per omega not 1.20 rn
and skill extractors go for 350mil a piece not 300 rn

so currently u loose isk, significantly.

plus u dont gain any SP to actually fly or finance that orca, which took me like a year with my main allone grinding my ass off to get to.
So how long u expect me to grind to get to that point on 10 accounts??

to then achieve what? multiboxing 10 orcas is signifcantly more demanding and stressfull and goes against the whole point of semi afk/ low attention orca mining in the first place.
And for what? currently i do 5 mil/hour (with an 2.5 billion investment in ship/fit… hello?!) in my orca, x10 is 50mil/hour which is a complete joke, i can go solo mission running then, its way less stressfull and WAY lower investment cost.

ur whole argument doesnt make any sense at all.

Welcome back from your – very short – hiatus!

People are generally against semi-afk / low-attention gameplay in Eve Online. Including the developers. There’s a lot of ISK to be made more actively, I earnestly suggest trying it. Even if it is just taking a humble venture to a lowsec ore anomaly. You’re not risking much and the ISK rewards are a lot higher, plus perhaps you get to push yourself as a player, which is a currency all in its own.

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wasnt gone yet
but hay again, ur still a very dislikeable person

no sht sherlock

But the drones are faster. So it actually yields more.

So when the guy pretends it’s because of the mining change, he is plainly lying.

If you want to play, you have to be active. It’s a good thing that mining was made more active for orcas - and other ships in general. Just like moon mining, ratting were also made more active.

And yes, I’m one of the people who asked specifically for improvement of barges/exhumers in order to make mining more balanced, instead of nerfing orcas, exactly in order to reduce AFK gameplay

The entire idea of skill farming is to reduce the cost of plexing your account. It varies with the market on whether or not you can make isk doing it or if you lose. Even if you lose, 300-400mil is a lot better for omega than 1.3-1.5bil.

Also, the more orcas you add does not increase the demand/stress for afk mining. It’s afk, there is no demand/stress.

So first the cost is “nothing”.

Then its

btw its 300-400 mil per account so 3-4 billion for 10 accounts plus at least 25 bil for the orcas and fits themself and then another ridicolous sum for all the Skillpoints on top,

And again i ask you FOR WHAT:

Why the heck would you multibox 10 orcas at once for a pisspoor ISk/hour when you can just run solo mission on ONE account for roughly the same profit with less demanding gameplay and setup and WAY less investment cost?

Nobody multiboxes with 10 orcas, because its stupid asf.
Again: your whole argument does not make any sense at all.

Did you even mined on an orca ever for urself? There is a reason its called SEMI afk, you still have to manage and fiddle with five drones to send them on different asteroids plus reposition ur orca every now and then plusplus deal with belt rats.
You really think managing 50 drones on 10 different clients can be done AFK?
Do you even play the game?

If your orcas only last a month, you are pretty dumb.

Because you are dumb ? Easy guess.

YOUR whole argument does not make sense at all.

CCP does not decide how much ISK you make from trading, AND they improved the orca, so your complain is just that orca mining became less worth than barge mining, WHICH WAS INTENDED IN THE FIRST PLACE. You need to be VERY dumb to not realize that.

YES it was the goal, that orca are less interesting, mining wise, than barges and exhumers. So YES when the total income from mining is stable, then its share of income becomes lower. AS EXPECTED. And even though the orcas were buffed.

Do you even play the game ?

Where did i say they only last for a month? your whole argument about “financing 10 omegas for free” does not work out, and it especially does not work out when you want to fly 10 orcas at once.

but YOU came up with that bullcrap in the first place, not me dude.
Your entire argument about “oh just run with 10 orcas and ur fine” is BULLSHT to begin with.

The moment you say you need to add their price to the recurring monthly PLEX cost.
literally the part I quote.

quote me on that ?

My sole argument is that orca has become a better miner, but since other ships were even more buffed, then the relative income of the orca has been nerfed, which is why you see your income plumet. So now, adapt or die ? Since you rather cry on the forum about how unfair it is to have the game balanced, I guess you will quit the game in tears soon.

Funny that you decide to remove everything else I wrote in order to say I have no argument.
It shows how much of a dishonest idiot you are.

Don’t let the door hit you on your way out.

And it’s completely unrelated to what I wrote.

you are barking against the wind.

“BuT YoU HavE nO aRgUment ehehhehaa

Yeah, no brain, no pain, I see.