Minmatar/Amarr Warzone : No more agents, no more farming

This is stupid. I don’t believe that anyone agreed to anything. If they did, they don’t deserve to play Eve Online.

Plex farmers will still warp out. Losing your ship is a lot more damaging to ISK efficiency than just moving 2 systems over.

As far as people still being able to fund their ■■■■ with FW up north - that means their PvP characters will be moving too.

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This guy is legit. His care is genuine and he’s definitely authentic.
Which doesn’t say anything about the others, but this guy is legit.


If I may …

You should petition this. Ask for escalation to the respective devs responsible for FW. Explain the situation thoroughly. Tell them what you want to achieve, tell them what you think the possible outcomes will be, tell them whatever you can think of.

Then ask them if they can help you guys somehow. Maybe put it into lore, maybe find some interesting mechanical twists they can add. Something to turn player created lore into something deeper.

Also … Twitter.

Just a thought. :slight_smile:


I’m not questioning his legitimacy as a person nor his concern.

Just his reasoning, which is piss poor.


Agree, create publicity, contact gaming magazines … more player initiatives, stories, this is what EvE needs.


I’m creating both Amarr and Minmatar FW alts after work just for you, in honor of this ridiculous lie. o/ enjoy the cat-and-mouse game with me.


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Sure FW missions are a Fing joke that spoils FW.

Win Trading is not the way to make changes, no matter how necessary.

Good luck with your ban.

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Definitly like seeing players trying something for FW cause CCP hasnt touched it in forever really, aside from warp core stab and venture bans.

Good luck with this experiment.


Does this mean the crusade is over?

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Yes, the crusade against content in the southern FW zones is pretty much completed now.

CCp could you remove this pathological FW ■■■■ and all this farmed LP points?
have balls, do something useful not stupid blackout.

Outrageous that THEY dare to decide which playstyle is valid or not…

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