Missiles or Rockets?

Ok. The OP meant more like deception. Like not fearing an exploration frigate and such, not “0 delay in lock time”. A stealth bomber with high tank is still not very tanky. Torpedoes and torpedoes only means low dps because of terrible tracking and delayed damage. Stealth bombers are meant to kill battleships, not other frigates.


No. Like in “they won’t run away when they see me”, which if you can use a cloak is no longer a concern as they can’t see you (until they can), so then the concern is them running away when they see you cause you’re no longer a “no threat exploration frig” you’re a “scary cloaky ship” (see how that works?), which the 0 delay in lock time resolves. I really didn’t think it was that complicated, but obviously you’re confused… maybe spend more time playing/learning/understanding and less time trying to be funny… cause you’re just failing all over the place.

Since when did rockets = torpedoes? Seriously if you can’t even put in the required effort to read what is written, why bother?

So at this point I’m done responding to your stupid, it’s just too much and is derailing the thread.


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So you forego all the torpedo bonuses for the stealth bomber, and fit rockets on it? Just for 6 seconds of lock time?

The other parts are correct, but someone who is experienced would be able to kill the stealth bomber before the rockets reach him, and someone who isn’t is not going to warp away in 6 seconds upon seeing the OP decloak in his cloaky ship.

Here, a more tanky (even expedition is more tanky than a stealth bomber) frigate would at least have more time to warp away (because the stealth bomber would nearly be alpha-ed off while anything with more tank would hold for a while) when faced by a pvp experienced explorer. This frigate would also be able to kill a non-pvp-experienced explorer as they would not be able to warp away in 6 (or 8 with the locktime added) seconds.


Hey, you missed the regards!

the aim of OP is to tackle and kill OTHER explo ships, not ships able to shoot back. That’s why he plans to use his pvp-heron, thinking they won’t warp out when he appears on dscan/overview. But cypress is right, using a cloaky bomber (with weapons to shoot explo frigs, so rockets, not trops) with zero delay for decloak-lock is also a perfect option.
We are not talking about fighting in 1v1 against a pvp fitted astero. In that case, you can fly a pvp-heron or a bomber, you are dead yes.


Explo frigs also have guns to defend themselves. They would not have high dps but will be enough to kill a stealth bomber.

most of explo ships (t1 or t2 cov ops) won’t have guns, no. Explo ships will have analyzers, probe scanners, and modules to align and warp out or warp core stab or tank, but most often no weapon. Just type “anathema” or “buzzard” on zkillboard and look at the fits lol


Oh wow! Indeed! My explo ships have guns but perhaps many people do not! Hummm… You’re right.

They may well have drones though.

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2020.05.09 17:47:46

Victim: TARS LO
Corp: LLouDog L Corporation
Alliance: Unknown
Faction: Unknown
Destroyed: Imicus
System: J134654
Security: -1.0
Damage Taken: 944

Involved parties:

Name: Sundeen Hilanen (laid the final blow)
Security: 0.10
Corp: People of the Saiya
Alliance: Silent Company
Faction: None
Ship: Heron
Weapon: Mjolnir Javelin Rocket
Damage Done: 944

Destroyed items:

Small Emission Scope Sharpener II
Small Low Friction Nozzle Joints I
Core Scanner Probe I, Qty: 8
5MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Inertial Stabilizers II
Small Low Friction Nozzle Joints I
Core Probe Launcher I

Dropped items:

Inertial Stabilizers II
Scan Rangefinding Array I
Scan Rangefinding Array I
Relic Analyzer I
Inertial Stabilizers II

My First Kill!!! The fit worked.

For the record, the point of this was to catch explorer thinking I was not a threat… it worked! I had the WH scanned down leaving one relic sight (after looting the can with 28 mil ). Went to a neighbour WH, scanned it down. Checking on the first WH saw probes in the air. Simply went to my safe spot and launched my Core 1 probes although the system was already scanned down. “Nothing to fear here, don’t even have sister probes”. After a couple minutes, warped to the relic sight, the target still was not there. Approached a can and he warped in. Kept going for the can and orbited for a minute until the target went to another can. As soon as he started hacking… b-lined it for him guns blazing!!!

Most fun I have had! What a rush!!!


^ nice work!

Seriously, something doesn’t add up. The beginner would run away as soon as he saw any ship, the advanced would not fly an explorer only ship.

Caracter is only a few days old. I don’t think he’d just stay there when he saw one.

But ok. Is still entertaining

Congrats on your first kill OP!

As a reference, this guy does solo PVP in a magnate - T1 amarr exploration ship.
Lots of useful tips to pick up, might be useful.

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Literally the same thing, fool.

Thanks for posting the video! Gives me a much better idea as to what I am supposed to be doing rather then just run at him blasting rockets! LOL

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Well maybe not… I think runnin at him and blasting rockets is what you gotta do though with rockets :stuck_out_tongue:

Bear in mind a lot of explorers are at least 2x stabiliser fit. When the explores realise you are attacking them they will try to warp off and the two stabs would counter a single scram (unless faction).

By “runnin at em” you will hopefully bump them out of alignment meaning their warp off will take longer if you cant pin them down with your scram/distruptor.

Some people are just slow off the bat due to being semi afk, not having experience so by the time they realise they are under attack they might be in half armour in which case its going to be too late.

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