Missing corporation assets

I have been away for like 2 years or so, i have started playing 2 weeks ago and when i tried to find my bpos and building materials, i haven been unable to locate them. I checked my related toons and none of them has them too. Last time they were located in corporate office divisions in an npc station. My corp rent expired long ago. Since they make it so after being inactive sometime they send your toons to home stations, i can not locate my last corporation office location either. Trying to search from personel assets provide no meaningful answer too.
I already sent a petition and still waititng for an official answer. I do not share corp or account. There is 0 indication of they being taken away by someone else since i have no missing character assets afaics. So if anybody have any ideas for me to check or similiar experience to lead me to a solution, i would like to hear them.

Did you check

Corporation > Administration > Assets

  • impounded

If your office rental expired, assets should be in impounded.

Yes, i did .There are none in impounded, assest safety or in space etc.

Recommend reviewing: https://support.eveonline.com/hc/en-us/articles/6387243601180-Returning-to-EVE-Online

And the missing item section

Thnks for the link but the thing is i know forgetting items in a player owned structure can cause them to be lost. I lost some corp loot in somebody elses station but there is an email generated to warn me about loss before hand and i still have that mails. For my main production items there is no indication of anything.
Only thing i can think of; Maybe that station was located in a system that was transfered to Pochven and i’m confusing the dates somehow. And corp office going offline and due i’m not having connection to or the required standings for the trigs, its blocking me accesing corp assets.

The problem with this scenario is i had actively played just after the formation of pochven for 2-4 months. It would be almost impossible to miss such a thing. And also afaik other ppl got warnings about their impounded goods in Pochven.
Even if this is the case, i would just like to know the station or at least the system my things are located to skip the “looking around like a headless chick for weeks” part.

Also forgot to add that i used the jeveassets software to check for bpos and such to no avail.