Missing Princess! Aiko Dead?

I’m confused, is Aiko dead or not? And if so need to see that corpse.

Yep. She’s dead.

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Yet another dear leader taken from us too soon.


:disappointed_relieved: :cry: :sob:

Vote Aaaarrgg 2021

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The day that gankers run for the CSM… would be interesting times indeed!

Who is the current CSM for Crime & Punishment?

We don’t have one since we’re all unelectable.

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Well if there ever was then my vote still goes to Aaaarrgg CODE. | Alliance | zKillboard
Out there slogging it out popping capsules day in and day out! CSM material right there.


I think you need to be Omega to run for CSM.

My vote would be @Destiny_Corrupted or @Aaaarrgg hehe

The only reason you want me to run is because you know that if I won, you’d get to enjoy watching me become embroiled in some kind of EVE anime girl scandal. Like three months in I’d be tearfully resigning in front of a podium while clutching my waifu body pillow, and you’d be laughing and eating popcorn.

No, best to stay out of EVE politics for me. Too many skeletons rattling in my closet.


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