Missing Princess! Aiko Dead?

"The real life is in our imaginations" - Jerry Rin

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I talked to Aiko. She seems to be well :innocent:


Have you considered not being an antiganker?

Gankers get direct access to my hotline.


Is this situation related with that ā€œ serious ā€œ conspiracy theory about CCP remove PvP from high sec ? May be she begin to swim back to source of river ā€¦ or left the ship before it sinkā€¦ or felt its dying and went to elephant cemetary ? I dont know really ā€¦
may be CCP see and likes the idea no high sec pvp in echoes and had brilliant ideas and suddenly find out a way to make subscribe billions of carebears forever ?
Crazy questions maaaanā€¦ i think i filled my yearly conspiracy theory quote badly in this single post ā€¦ cyaao/

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as far as i can tell this is a troll post at least i hope it is :slight_smile: but in case its not ,i shall repeat for the slower people here , remove pvp and pve has no meaning if you dont believe this go on the test server . you can pve all you like in 100% safety and it means nothing, absolutely nothing, there is no loss so nothing has any value, items ships, your time , your ā€œachievementsā€ its all meaningless .


Whatā€™s code again?

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I have been sequestered with the Party Congress, reviewing testimonials from the Committees of Correspondence. As many of you already know, we have declared a new government. It is a peopleā€™s republic, if you can keep it.



Has James finally been corrupted by miner bot aspirants and become an afk alliance head bot-aspirant?

Plot thickens.


Neo have you now disappeared too.

Funny how this post started as a bit of fun, ended up telling the story of more treachery underhandedness and backstabbing we come to expect from Aiko .

We still need to band together and fight code and safety , join us and watch the anti-ganking channel in game and answer the call to battle.

Btw whoā€™s the op, psychic or safety Informer or a spy master, I want to hear more from him , I might even pay for any information that helps fight criminal types and pretender anti-gankers

Come on Githy, isnā€™t this what you always wanted?


Betrayal in EVE Online?!



No actually it isnā€™t , I want people to play the game and fight you, I get as mad as you over afk pilots and badly setup ships, just a different way of doing stuff

Umā€¦ Why would I get mad over AFK pilots and badly setup ships??

You claiming that you killing with compassion ? :slight_smile:

Is Code. dead?

Look, it was just a Hat!

btw who is this Safety? Aiko?

-Safety is priceless.
-Obedience is success.
-Safety are a PROUD antiganking alliance, dedicated to ensuring safety for all Highsec miners!

Iā€™m an antiganker, always was.

The CODE. alliance thought they were invincible, but I infiltrated deep inside, and stole their schedules. They all thought I was dead, hahahaha, but I was secretly putting the finishing touches on my master plan. Now I control the ice!!!

:ice_cube: :sunglasses: :ice_cube:


I do like ice just like many other pilots do.

The forums were a very different place back then.