Mission "Quelling the Insurgency" doesn't work at 4/5

And I won’t, mainly because nobody can actually set a specific time limit for completing the level 1 SoE Epic Arc due to individual difference in piloting tactics, type of ship and fit used, type of skills trained, RNG factors, choice of doing full loot and salvage, etc.

In the scenario you posted, you’re assuming a brand new Alpha player will know which skills to train and the most optimum way to run those missions. I highly doubt a new player will ignore loot/salvage or have optimum skills, ship and fit to quickly blitz each mission.

You’re also assuming the new player will stay logged into the game and complete all 52 missions in one game play session.

Also the recently annexed Triglavian systems has greatly increased travel time for the level 1 SoE Epic Arc compared to how it was before.

Anyway none of that matters, the main point is that running the level 1 SoE Epic Arc isn’t going to help resolve the OP’s issue of not being able to complete his current mission - Quelling The Insurgency - which is the topic of this thread.

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