Missions not updated for Ore redistribution!

This “War effort” mission seems out of place being a combat mission, not mining. I’d rather they asked to bring 500/1000/1500m3 of (meta) loot or something. Handful of minerals as a meaningful contribution for the Empires always sounded cheesy, immersion breaking.

The agents asks for types. They may ask for metal scraps ?

10k Omber are around 12 million in Dodixie now, just a bit less than you can sell the mission reward implant for.

But then, CCP spits us carebears in the face anyway, and constantly. How many PvE missions were added in the last decade? None, as far as I can tell. Instead, they make a Halloween event where they basically call all the gankers and rabid pirates into highsec to make life hell for carebears.

My faint hope is that they can use the same programing and development that is able to provide abyssal runs at different levels, different opponents, and different awards and which was introduced recently into EVE and translate it over to creating a mission generator that would be doing the same general thing.

…I know, but I can at least dream. :thinking: :blush:

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so < 2 mill for 10k omber and implant that sells for ~8.5 mill .

have a nice day …

I think some of the “it’ll be easy to do this little change” merchants in here need to read about SMOPs.

Isn’t that what devs do though.

I think the Devs are busy working on all the ways to make Pochven suck - no time to work on missions.

“Legacy code” has been a CCP mantra for ten(?) years now.

The sad fact is there are very few (if any) software engineers that enjoy picking apart undocumented code written by people no longer with the company.

On the other hand CCP have been saying for years that they need better tools to create PvE content. All that seems to happen is even more code gets added to the pile of undocumented stuff that new employees “will not touch with a barge pole”.

In this specifc instance i suspect CCP will disable the “Materials for war” set of missions. They have disabled missions before over the years for various reasons.

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Sorry, don’t understand the (somewhat ambiguous) question ?

The good news is that when they do release the new missions with the new code authoring system they will be the same difficulty as FOB or Incursions and require a fleet of 15 minimum. No more easy isk solo missions. It will be more fun and more fleets for the same rewards!

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