Mizhir and Melisma Shipping/Catfight Thread


wait wat wat wat wat


@Constantin_Baracca I DISOWN YOU

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…can you two fetching not? Utari. Your family’s recent matters, yes? The Archbishop’s archbishopness? Flailing in the mud. One…might not.


Well, normally I would not, Miss Loai, but Lord Garion has offered to make a sizeable donation to the Sisters of the Hearth, rather than to pay directly. It falls to him to see how much he offers, and whether he can get the approval of the Directrix. I would hardly do so without her expressed approval.


For one, my family business is none of your business so stick your nose out of it.

For two, I will donate any winnings I make to charity.


How about you go back to breeding rats and roasting horses and instead let these adult men decide for themselves what they can and cannot do? Let them have some fun that also benefits charity.

That is entirely unfair to Miss Loai, who has only ever had my best interests at heart. She has ever been pleasant and wonderful to me.

All the same, if the winnings shall certainly go to the Sisters, I cannot rightly refuse. They have ever been desperately in need of additional funding for their most heavenly mission. All that is left is to attain the Directrix’s permission.

I’ll put 20mil on Utari Onzo.

Edit: With a 5 mil bonus if he hits you in the crotch.

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What the ■■■■ is going on here?

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Well the winner does what he wants with the 50m… you know what, make that 100m if you will battle him Archbishop

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Permission is given. The challenge is accepted. Additional donations to the Sisters of the Hearth are appreciated.


Excellent, I’ll set 100m aside for your match.

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For a extra warm up match? or just for fun back home
Well because it’s you who’s asking sweetly, I would like to try my luck just for the fun of it

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Up to you!

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With the notice this has gotten I don’t know if I would feel comfortable doing it in public… But what the hell, if there is room for it before the Utari x Constantin match I would go for it there

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You’re going to feel the power of my legendary thighs crushing you into submission!

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Is that suppose to make me scared. Still, I need to start training for this now it seems

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Not really, I just felt that we need some good smacktalk.

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Oh my goodness. This fight just keeps getting better and better!


Not one but two undercard matches before the main event? Oh my!

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You’re still holding this thing in Kaztropolis, right ?