All because you have a crush on me
Who is this other woman? I’ve never seen her before.
That needs to be worked out. Some of us have certain objections to it.
Okay I’ve been told I have in passing. Carry on.
I see I need to kick up ■■■■ in IGS more often.
I’m just a simple Sebbie. No one important.
Correct. I very much appreciate your offer, Valerie, and at some point I’ll have some event there. But this one we’re going to have at a different location.
Some days I wake up and wonder if the drugs I took last night are still in effect.
Today is one of those days.
I’ve learned it’s just good to go with the flow!
100m on Melisma winning.
At what odds?
Without structured booking, I believe the proper method is this: an appropriate, trusted neutral party accepts the bids from any party. The winners receive the losers’ bids, proportionate to their own bid.
Let’s say parties A and B bid 100m and 100m on challenger X, while parties C and D bid 200 and 400 on challenger Y. Challenger Y wins. C and D receive, respectively, a third and two-thirds share of the loser’s bids of 200m total. If, however, challenger X were to win, parties A and B would evenly split the pot of 600m. In any given case, winning parties would receive their own bids back.
Though I suppose, structurally, that just means ‘total pot’ is the key, and proportional break-out of the bids is the thing, so we may as well include all bids in the pot.
Honestly, I never got into running books.
After the bookmaker’s rake, of course. You’ve got it right for so-called parimutuel betting, which is a good fit for the situation – a low number of expected bids combined with a large unknowns.
It’s a fascinating topic. If you felt curious at all, I recommend looking into it.
It is looking like we’ll need someone to handle bets for us…
This makes me miss my time at EOH.
I wouldn’t call you a simple Sebby by any stretch of the imagination, Melisma!
I would like to volunteer to be the special guest referee!
You know, why not.
Would the engaged parties consent to my serving as agent for the betting? Parimutuel betting format, 5% agent’s fee for handling, bets returned in cases of ‘tie’ or similar event with fee taken, formal judgment to be made by a referee mutually-agreed-upon by the parties in question, excepting in case of suspected malfeasance such as a thrown match or suspected corruption on the part of the referee whereupon bets will be returned to the bettors with no fee taken.
What have I done.
Created something amazing. Congratulations
You have shaken up the monotony dear, and for that, I am sure a lot of people thank you that