Mobile Observatories – Live on Singularity

Once more CCP starts bowing down to the nullbear bot alliances. Last time you did that to fix things you needed black out. carefull not to repeat the mistakes of the past. this change is wrong. the bots will have a field day from now on.


So you’re destroying cloaky camping, but leave local-reporting bots as they are. Good stuff, ccp.


Next patch after this will finally declare non consensual PVP to be an exploit


Read my previous comment again. The fact that this went over the head of the average ferox f1 pushing linemember reinforces my point. These changes were not considered more than ‘CLOAKING BAD’


This is an outstanding change, CCP. Job well done!


Sounds like a good one, have to wait and see.

Much better than the Fuel idea, which would ■■■■ up WH people in the pooper.


I support this change, but I expect that the bots will have no problem cycling their cloaks every once in a while.


How “random” are these things?

And the

they not even on market on sisi.

my guess is that they have a 100km range or such lol stats.
and the “cloak resistance” vs random pings will surley be overcome by an simple egg timer.


seems we find a bot here

screw you


its not cause AFK CLOAKY CAMPER are not against BOTs they are against player like me who try to get stuff going.

They do well at their purpose, stopping AFK people, anyone active will just re-cloak


THE KRABS HAVE WON! GG! TIME TO QUIT, SAFE KRAB IS A GOOD KRAB NO MORE BAD CLOAKY BOIS, also all will be forgiven if you delay local.


Thank you CCP!!! This has been a real issue in the game, and I’m so glad to see a counter.


imagine not making isk in highsec where you can make tons more anyway

How long does the recent activation buff last.

Please make it long enough for a number 2.


Asking the real questions here.

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One of the biggest issues that I constantly hear about from players is AFK cloaky camping. The biggest problem with addressing AFK cloaky camping is that there are plenty of valid forms of gameplay that require being cloaked for long periods of time waiting, and a fix that wouldn’t make those forms of gameplay impossible or greatly impaired was difficult to come up with.

CCP has made it a priority to focus on making gameplay more active and less passive, so this deployable fits right in with what they’ve been working on. It requires somebody to be at the keyboard and paying attention, or risk getting decloaked, scanned down and blown up. It will have some impact on campers who are paying attention - there will be things you need to do in order to stay safe and continue waiting - but it will have the greatest impact on people who aren’t there, and give the folks in the system the ability to finally do something about that pesky neut in local who won’t leave and you can’t find.

The way this is designed, it shouldn’t have a major impact on active BLOPS hunting, on streamers like me cloaked up watching a fight, on people traveling through hostile systems where they’re in a deep safe, on wormholers, or many of the other existing metas that use cloaks. It should only really impact AFK cloaky camping, and that’s a good thing.

Once this is up on SISI, I’d be interested in hearing feedback on how it works, if the timers make sense, the cost and anything else specific to this module that folks want CCP to work on.


All hail BlueDonut and Powerblocks… CCP plz just delete who werent member to these power blocks. Your all move cemented Powerblocks safety. Thats all. you destroying every suprize factor againts these corps… Corrupt CCP…


Because they probably didn’t tell Paradox it’d been delayed until after the post and tweet went out.

last mirror happened Feburary, so… basically once every quadrant