Module added - damage control for Drones?

Love to see another module being added for low or mid slot that help mitigate damage for drones against smart bombs for xyz seconds. This would provide a little more versatility to drone boats for pvp action.

If you want to mitigate damage for drones, have you already looked at:

  • Faction navy drones (doubles armor and shield hitpoints)
  • Drone Durability Enhancer Rigs (25% extra hitpoints for drones, 56% boost for 2 rigs)

Where a regular T2 Praetor has 4.56k EHP, an Imperial Navy Praetor with two of those rigs has 11.5k EHP, that’s over 2.5 times the regular EHP.

Fun thing: your Imperial Navy Praetor with these rigs in a Rattlesnake has 33k EHP, that’s more than a T1 cruiser.


Staying outside SB range and using Sentries also works fine, many Ishtar/Eos fleets are using that recently.

And yeah, FactionDrones on a Rattle are really beefy, especially the shield ones, they even have a considerable recharge-tank (Caldari Navy Wasp).

Then you want an active module, like assault drone damage control ?

Just like omnidirectional ?

I agree that active options would be better than passive ones, considering drone boats don’t have to handle the tracking.

What about making the DDA dual : the Drone Damage Reducer, which would passively give a 20% hull/armor/shield HP increase for drones, and actively gives a +5% all resists and -8% signature, can be scripted to double one and null the other ? i.e. either +10% resist or -16% signature.
The resist value is lower than signature as it is more versatile.
Fitting cost would be a bit lower than DDA, activation and duration same as omnidirectional tracking enhancer.
It’s low slot so you have to lose drone damage or ship armor/damage to fit it.

T2 would gain +20% value, +10% CPU and cap usage, enduring (-20% cap usage) and compact (-20% CPU) ; faction gallente, guristas.

In case you are flying a Myrmidon or an Ishtar, you can always fit remote repair modules. One shield and one remote-rep will keep your drones on the field. And if your fit doesn’t allow the medium remote reps, you can always use the small remote reps.
Whenever I used to do higher DED complexes in my Myrmidon, I fit remote armor reps for on grid logi. At most, you would only need to fit 2x medium remote reps or 4x small remote reps.
Shields regenerate by themselves, so you would only need to repair the armor.
That should work fine with sentry drones. The mobile drones require very good managing.

Faction drones are awesome but get dumped way to easy as well. Drone durability rigs greatly reduce ship fitting.

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