Monthly Economic Report - April 2021

good luck with that

Tinkering with the raw data, came up with this for the first full quarter of the year to date:

  • Bounty Prizes: 62,602,237,778,614.00
  • Sleeper components: 62,102,882,281,328.00
  • Sansha Incursion payouts: 49,949,207,487,858.30
  • Trig invasion payouts: 4,275,752,548,582.83

Folks have been up in arms about the chart showing sleeper components as the top “commodity” (which is technically correct in terms of how the game categorizes them, but a weird way of thinking of them given that their sales basically as both the bounty and the overseer effect equivalents from sleeper sites), but this seems fine to me. Yesterday I was misinterpreting that isk faucet chart to be a monthly value when it’s clearly a daily value (thanks to those who pointed it out), but when you put it in the context of the other kind of rewards for various flavors of ratting and account for the risk in a wormhole, it seems kinda fine to me.

How did you get 28,081,750,217,238, 25,085,516,984,779 and 30,610,941,899,050 to total to 62,602,237,778,614?


I just used the raw data for the daily amount of bounties and added the cells together in a spreadsheet. Gimme a few and I’ll double check the work.

Update: Yep, when I add up the cells in sinks_and_faucets_over_time in the entry_faucet_value column for Bounty Prizes from 1/1/21 to 3/31/21 and sum them up, the total is 62,602,237,778,614. Are we looking at the same source values? And, just to double check myself, I added up the numbers displayed on the “ISK Sinks and Faucets” charts for Jan, Feb, and Mar 2021:
Jan: 20.7 T
Feb: 19.7 T
Mar: 22.2 T

So, total for Q1 from the chart values = 62.6T, which is what I had in my post.

(Apologies for the random deleted posts above. My son keeps crashing into me while i’m trying to do this on my phone and it’s very hard to read/write lol)

Lets see, ratting is pretty much in the tank (insert ESS/DBS/bounty modifier here). Abyssals and Incursions are the way to go. Industry Production showed everyone cramming everything they could into work before the Industry update. Many new isk sinks thanks to industry changes. Adding reactions and PI added to ship building adds dozens of tax bites along the path to build what used to have 2 tax bites (refine and build) apparently cost inflation based on taxes isnt inflation.
while the war continues to help the destruction numbers, general gameplay has become tedious and down right soul crushing. The economy may become more balanced. but the game is a lot less fun.,


Is there a way to see how many and what for ships are lost mothly?

afik only zkill data. But since not all losses and kills land on zkill. End result might be inaccurate