Monthly Economic Report - February 2019

Increasing transactions costs is not a good thing.

Possible to use (access?) the data that generates these:

As I thought they were reasonably accurate?

Edit: if this is all the same data apologies, I’ll just go back to looking at the pretty graphs :slight_smile:


CCP no longer has an economist analysing the state of the world economy for years now you mustve missed it but he took a job as a professor somewhere


The March report dev blog links to this topic.


wow you guys have been busy. no wander i cant get a descent price on mined ores these days.

Any particular reason why CCP hates Cache? You haven’t included all of Eve’s regions in a MER since September of 2018.

I have great solution to the issue as people call it, wipe all player corps and alliances but let player characters keep their skills. Sort of like they do in Escape from tarkov and star citizen every now and then.

So hand victory to whoever can get the alliance back sorted fastest through third party apps. Great idea.


I agree and no people that love this game they are killing it

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